Psychisches Herzrasen?
Also anscheinend ist alles mit meinem Herz selber in Ordnung, aber manchmal, habe ich Herzrasen, ist selten, aber manchmal habe ich Episoden von Herzrasen und Schwindel.
Gerade dann wenn ich am Boden zerstört bin. Das ist psychischer Natur, oder?
Yeah, that sounds like mental heartachetriggered by stress or emotions. Causes can be fear, sadness or overreach.
Breathe deeply and slowly.
Relax briefly (e.g. lie down)
Look for distraction.
If it occurs more frequently, let it be medically explained for safety reasons.
LG 🍀
it rarely occurs
Something like that can be psychic. It’s not even rare.
If it is clear that physically everything is okay, you can start from a psychic reason. It can help you get into therapy.
In case of a “infestation” it can help to realize that it is only psychological at this moment.
Yeah, can be psychic.