Psychische Probleme und Eltern help?
Heyy ich bin 17, habe große Probleme mit dem Essen aber bin im Normalgewicht. Auch Depression einige Probleme so mit attachment issues etc.
Ich war 2022 schon mal in einer Klinik wo viel schlimmes passiert ist aber welche mir viel geholfen hat. Momentan ist mir leider einmal Therapie pro Woche nicht genug, ich fühle mich total overwhelmed und alleine usw. Ich habe das Gefühl ich bräuchte wirklich wieder mehr Unterstützung aber ich will das mit meinen Eltern nicht nochmal durchmachen weil sie vieles nicht verstehen und es sehr kompliziert ist (nicht so ein gutes Verhältnis etc) zudem will ich nicht wieder ein Schuljahr wiederholen weil ich mich in der Klasse wohlfühlen und gut zurecht komme. Was würdet ihr mir raten? Bitte antwortet!!! Es wird immer schlimmer und ich hab Angst weil ich hin und hergerissen bin und keine Alternative habe
Hey, I’m sorry you’re doing this. Could you imagine talking to your therapist? She knows you and your situation better and can give you a better assessment or help you find out what the right way is. This is definitely better than if foreign people from the Internet should judge from a distance, I think. I wish you all the best:)
But I make them have vacations and would be happy for several opinions
So I’m just in the same situation.At first, it’s better promised again!
I know that I also have the feeling 24/7 jmd to not have to (so therapist)The she is on vacation is very bad and I feel it is getting worse because I need it and you really urgently and many others probably don’t have a clue.
I’m going to a clinic and I think you should also.My school makes it so that it may even be missing a whole half year without repetition.(mache Abitur just on an Igs)
I’m sorry about your parents, but if you don’t feel bad, you need help and you should get it and then you don’t care about it. I think that’s what you want. Don’t hesitate.And write an email to your therapist.
Happy and I hope you’ll be better soon
It’s a shame. I don’t have to do two years of school, but it’s a good thing for you.
I hope you can do this, however!
Don’t go. we’re writing a professional work as a final work and I’d miss too much stuff. This isn’t going from school in the last two years.
If it’s really accurate, you don’t get at all clear on your life, you’re virtually incapable of acting and are no longer able to master your everyday life, go to the clinic. But if it’s just the desire for several therapy hours a week, then in my eyes it’s not a reason to go to the clinic.
In addition to psychotherapy, I can recommend the following self-help book on depression and fears: “The success of depression and anxiety” by Dietmar Hansch. It was very helpful to get out of a depressive phase. I really recommend the book.
Finally, I can recommend a four-part Almost Daily video series. There is talk about psychotherapy and in particular depression, both from the perspective of psychologists, patients and the patient’s personal environment. This is also about the phenomenon of not being understood by people from the personal environment. In addition, you will notice that many others are similar and you are not alone. Here’s the first video:
P. S. Don’t let the rummy at the beginning of the video scare off, the phase only lasts short and after that it becomes very informative.
It’s not accurate. If it’s accurate, it doesn’t make me save my life. And there I could work more intensively because I often have the feeling of needing more support and even if I am not acutely endangered and master everyday life accordingly “good” does not always have something to say (e.g. highly functional depression as an example)