Wie läuft es in der Psychiatrie genau ab? Wir schicken vielleicht meine Schwester dorthin weil sie ständig Synkopiert man aber Körperlich nichts findet außer Eisenmangel
Die Ärzte meinen auch es könnte psychisch sein sie ist 16 Jahre alt.
There are also special specialist clinics, which are more suitable than a KJP, on which there are also mainly acute cases. Therefore, I would rather wait for a place in a specialist clinic and take care of a place as soon as it goes. In the KJP, the absolute “Basics” are usually mediated in life management and the rules are relatively tight. The therapy program is very general and designed for all diseases and low demands, so that all children can participate, no matter how bad they are together. The co-patients are also correspondingly ill, so often not an environment where you have the feeling that you can get healthy. It can also be quite true that one becomes witness of forced action and violence, does not have to be…
In addition, there are also children who have no bock and discernment and are here only because of their parents, because it has no longer worked at home or spend months or years (maybe with interruptions) there. And they do not necessarily convey great hope when they report their experiences…
That doesn’t mean there’d be nothing, could be a chance, but if there’s the possibility to go to a specialist clinic, I would rather recommend that…
In the KJP they can still go, which usually take up around the clock.
It’s not that funny in a KJP.
Strenge rules, no cell phone, exit only with good guidance ect pp
Rules don’t mean you can’t have fun. Just in a KJP you like to run and close friendships with patients.
You automatically close friendships. But they are often not of duration.
Kjp is not a walk