psychiater unterschied zum psychologen?

Hallo, ich bin seid einem halbem jahr in therapie alles läuft super ich habe aber seid ca 3 monaten starke regelmäßige Bauchschmerzen,blähungen,übelkeit (hab auch meine periode verloren (schwangerschaft nicht möglich) und starken haarausfall hab es aber nicht mit dem arzt besprochen weiß nicht ob es was damit zutun haben kann?) ich bin mit meinem arzt durch viele tests gegangen alle negativ somit hat er gestern ausgeschlossen das etwas mit meinen organen oder sowas nicht stimmt und sagte das es auch von der psyche kommen kann da ich keinerlei symptome im urlaub oder wenn ich weg von zuhause bin hab so hat er mir eine überweisung zum psychiater gegeben und dazu auch was mit depressionen geschrieben was bis jetzt keinerlei thema bei der therapie war meine frage ist wie es dort abläuft was fragt er mich hat er schweigepflicht gegen über meiner mutter wenn es was mit sv oder sm zutun hat (da meine Mutter oder meine Eltern niemals davon erfahren dürfen weil ich auch in einem ausländischen Haushalt großgeworden bin und die auch der meinungs sind das man in meinem alter 14 keine probleme und auch keinesfalls depression haben kann) durfte von meinem vater auch denn satz hören „in meiner jugend wurde das aus uns raus geprügelt dir gehts doch gut was für traurig oder depressionen“ er ist auch sehr gewalttätig und alkoholiker. was passiert da so habe bisschen angst wegen eine einweisung in die psychiatrie. (Habe auch so einen code/nummer für einen schnellen termin bekommen)

bitte dringend um hilfe und einer ausfälligen erklärung und beratung danke

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7 months ago

Psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists – Three terms, they are often confused.

A Psychiatry is a doctor who has studied medicine, specializes in mental illnesses and treats them (mainly) with medicines. He considers the mental illnesses primarily at the “physical” level, searching for possible physical causes for the disease and describing medications that help against the respective symptoms (e.g. defeat, anxiety, delusions).

A Psychologist has studied psychology and works in various areas where psychology is concerned, for example in research, in industry and the like.
If he specializes in clinical psychology, he can also deal with mentally ill people, where the diagnosis of the disease is more important, not so much treatment.

A Psychotherapist leads conversation therapies, which is therefore the classic “soul doctor”, with which one speaks about his problems and treats psychological disorders with scientifically recognized methods of conversation therapy.

When someone has undergone several trainings, he can also have several of these functions at the same time, there are psychiatrists who are also psychotherapists, psychotherapists who have also studied psychology, etc., but so basically there are three different things. The only common thing is that they all have something to do with the psyche of people.

Very often, mental illnesses are treated simultaneously by a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist, because mental illnesses usually have not only a single cause, but physical things and stressful living conditions interact. Often there is a problem with various messenger substances in the brain, which do not work as they should, and at the same time also stressful living conditions at which you have to change something.
The psychiatrist writes medicines that reorganize the messengers in the brain, so that one can always get better and the condition becomes more bearable, and the psychotherapist takes care of the problems and stressful living conditions that are sometimes triggering the mental illness.

7 months ago
Reply to  Anna137484

At your age, this is a difficult subject and legally, to a certain extent, a gray zone. On the one hand, the relationship of trust between you and the psychiatrist is important, on the other hand it is important and helpful at your age, especially in the case of mental illnesses, that parents are involved in the treatment and informed about your condition.

If you give any specific information to the psychiatrist, and ask him not to tell your parents, he will be able to do so if it is not something that your parents need to know. However, he will certainly speak to the parents about your illness in general and the corresponding therapy.

7 months ago

Psychiatrists are doctors and are allowed to prescribe medication. Psychologists are psychologists.

7 months ago

A psychiatrist is a doctor who has studied psychology.

He’s allowed to prescribe drugs, which a psychologist can’t do.

7 months ago
Reply to  kiniro

Certainly not.

7 months ago


I give you two tips:





The deficiency can also trigger depression. ABER best take the drop shape of D3.

Vitamins are rarely examined in the blood. But you can get sick by the lack. deficiency+symptome+ Lack+symptome+

7 months ago


Psychologists are soul researchers