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7 months ago

Yes, you’re taking exams. I’m HTL engineer.

7 months ago

You have exams in several subjects.

7 months ago
Reply to  Mohammad973

So I have Hak with little learning

7 months ago

You can do that if you HTL final exam googelst.

7 months ago
Reply to  Mohammad973

Of course there are tests/tests. How else should your performance in the individual subjects (improvements, deteriorations) and from them + grades in the final exam be determined objectively (somely) the target you have achieved?

7 months ago

Okay, thanks. I guess I’m not the right address here.

7 months ago

Gymnasium and HTL are different things. With an HTL you have another Matura, just as it is with any other form of school.

7 months ago

Protocols were not useless. One learned to focus on the essentials and to illustrate everything in a short time. A pupil who had been sick had such an orientation. The same was true for the description of experiments (also in chemistry). In Community studies (that was so much a combination of history, geography, politics and the economy at the time) it was said to summarize the main arguments of various sides in controversial discussions. Often you didn’t get everything. This meant to inquire in the break with the others – not always successful 🤣. We hated it when we were back on this badge*. But how happy was I when I was studying that I had learned how to write meaningful noits.

It can be that this is no longer done today. With us at the Gymnasium, this was part of preparation for no matter what study. I don’t know what a HTL is. I guess it’s a higher school at high school level, i.e. with general education or Matura (no “Knödel”-Abitur), so that later (theoretical) any university degree is open.

7 months ago

I wouldn’t generalize it like that. I didn’t have test or similar in every subject. I never had to write any senseless protocols in natural sciences. Something’s very important to the teacher as he comes to the grades.

7 months ago

This is quite normal in school and later in study. Once it’s just a multiple-choice test, then it’s a class work where you’re really supposed to think and take a stand. This also means, of course, that you have to formulate yourself, and before you do, you have to logically build up your mind. In the end, the whole text must have a meaningful structure. Otherwise, the reader can’t start with your thoughts.

But you get to know these different types of text in German classes and also practice them, for example, the protocol letter in organic teaching: quite generally “What was the result in the lesson?” or the aim of an attempt, the description of the experimental setup and the result.

7 months ago

The teachers must have something objectively measurable in their hands. Your subjective verdict only of your oral performance in and in general of your participation in teaching is not enough.