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2 years ago

If you don’t make a rescue lane, pay at least 200€ and walk a month.

Act No 111600:

They did not form a standard lane on a highway or off-road road for the passage of police or auxiliary vehicles, although the traffic stopped.

§ 11 para. 2, § 49 StVO; § 24 para. 1, 3 No. 5, § 25 StVG; 50 BKat; § 4 para. 1 BKatV

FaP-Pkt: A – 2

Euro: 200,00

FV: 1 M

If you are not going to form a rescue lane, the driver will therefore intervene in his capacity as a responsible driver in time and prevent this irregularity, which will end the test.

Your question could also be: “Is it good if I stop at a red light?

2 years ago

If the situation wants it, you even have to make a rescue gate. Otherwise, if you are standing on a multi-lane road (e.g. highway) you should already form a rescue lane in advance. I’m sure that’s good for the tester.

2 years ago

Of course, it’s good if you get to the traffic rules. You are committed to forming

If you don’t see a rescue lane, you can even fall through it.

2 years ago

Of course, this is a good thing, but it should be natural anyway. It is also particularly good if you stick to the holding line for three seconds on a stop sign, as it is heard and not easy to roll on. And if you’re standing on a closed railroad barrier, you’ll turn the engine off. Otherwise you should just drive as exactly as possible as you learned. That’s very good. 😉

2 years ago
Reply to  profanity

Why stay at the stop sign for 3 seconds?

2 years ago
Reply to  Mungukun

The three seconds are often suggested in driving schools to impress the testers. Ultimately, it’s important that you stop and don’t keep rolling.

2 years ago

I’ve never heard of that before. Where’s that in the StVO?

I looked. There is no such regulation: regulations-germany/stoppschild/#:~:text=How%20long%20man%20am%20stop sign,the%20skilled%20three%20sseconds.

So the 3 seconds is a recommendation. But no duty.

2 years ago

It is not good to adhere to the rules of transport, but that is the Normal case.

You should expect the exam to take a stupid exit if you No Rescue alley, where you really should.

2 years ago

First of all, it’s right if you get into a traffic jam on the highway and second of course that’s good because that’s exactly what’s prescribed. So this has nothing to do with the fact that you’re so nice to make it right to the auditor, but it’s prescribed.

2 years ago

Let’s say it if you don’t make a rescue lane as it is prescribed then that will surely be counted as a mistake I’m sure I am

2 years ago

No one, depending on the mood of the examiner. In real life after the exam, you will not be mistaken. If you bang and you’re guilty, you pay.

So it’s best to target the zero-error rate.

2 years ago

No, I don’t know. I’ve got my license for 25 years. I’m sorry

2 years ago

does not really interest the examiner. there is no reason.

2 years ago
Reply to  peterobm

/Ironie Off