Proteinbedarf AUSNAHMSWEISE mit bspw Burgerking decken?
kann man an Tagen an denen man mal nichts zum kochen oder sonstiges da hat seinen Proteinbedarf auch mal ausnahmsweise mit bspw. Burger King füllen? Dass Burger King und co. ungesund sind wissen wir alle, aber die Burger beinhalten auch extrem viele Proteine (bspw. Bacon King um die 60g glaube ich sogar). Kann man das für nen Tag schon mal machen?
If you want to go to Burgerking, go to Burgerking. Your Gains would have only effects if the exception became the rule.
But the proteins that are contained in their burgers can still use the body normally?
Proteins from meat remain proteins from meat, whatever form the meat has. The high amounts of short-chain carbohydrates, salt and saturated fats are why burgerking should be avoided.
I’m always not so sure about fast food stuff, because this is really very much processed. Thank you!
Get a liter of buttermilk
Buttermilk has 11g sugar on 100ml and, in my opinion, is not a really satisfactory dish.
Buttermilk has four grams of sugar. You could also buy a yogurt and two hard-cooked eggs
Looked at the video of nem bodybuilder who used BK for the blanket of proteins on an exceptional day. It has compiled the best possible menu for “less” calories and many proteins. That’s enough to answer. You don’t seem to have a plan at all. I’m talking about a blanket of protein and you’re coming with yogurt and two eggs. Would you like to visit the gym before you answer such questions?
Thank you.
And you want to cover your protein needs with fast food at Burger King?
I don’t know what a protein requirement you look out, but to get to 200g a day it’s not enough to take 2 eggs and a bit of yogurt…. 300g Greek yogurt (which is the best for proteins) has approx. 16g proteins and 2 eggs have 14g proteins, so we would be at 30g of 200…. I don’t know what you understand under a meal.