Protein riegel?
Wird man dick wenn man nach einem workout ein protein riegel isst oder wenn man ihn einfach so isst. Und sind sie für diäten gut
Heyy, meine Frage lautet „Sind bio-Eier (z.B. von Netto) immer pasteurisiert und wenn ja woran erkennt man es? Dankeee:)
Ich habe die auch mal probiert, geschmacklich ganz in Ordnung aber da ist kaum was drinnen lieber Pistazien essen
Oder ist da ein singifikater Unterschied?
Hallo ich bin im Krankenhaus und muss hier die nächsten Tage verbleiben da ich eine op hatte. Allerdings fällt das Essen hier äußerst mager aus und ich wollte fragen ob man Nachschlag haben darf da drei Scheiben Brot einfach zu wenig sind
Findet ihr das Tiramisu aus dem Kühlregal wie echtes Tiramisu schmeckt?
Hey, ich war heute Mittag Pizza essen und hab mir die Reste mitgeben lassen, allerdings hab ich als ich so um 16 Uhr nach Hause kam vergessen die Reste in den Kühlschrank zu machen und auf meiner Pizza war halt Hühnchen. Kann man das jetzt noch essen?
There are protein bars everywhere that contain only very little sugar. These are acceptable in moderate amounts, for example 1 piece per day, and they are not thick.
I have consumed only protein products for the last two years and I am unfortunately very fat now. I just stopped
But that was not at the bars but at the calorie amount. Thick becomes when you are permanently absorbing more energy than is consumed. From everything. Let me say that such a one-sided diet is not healthy.
Protein bars have a lot of calories and that comes to Ludwig is right
I stay with every word I said and I’m not willing to get up with everyone online. END.
I’ll buy one thanks to them!
No, not only doctors who are least. Nutritionists know more. I’ve been working with it for a while and I’ve taken over 50 kg.
How do you know about nutrition? I worked as a bus driver for 3 years in Sweden and didn’t know anything about it and thought it was just doctors know
No, I’m not a doctor. Doctors are also not nutritional professionals.
How do I know what?
Are you a doctor? How do they know
If you also consume the energy contained in the bolt, you will not accept it.
On the other hand, you probably eat it in addition, you have to consider if this is really necessary.
Whether such bars are recommended for a diet (you probably mean a take-off diet)? No, not more.
Dick doesn’t, but it helps your body build muscle.
If you eat one, you won’t get fat. For this you have to feed the bars in a carton-like manner….
Dick will be used when you regularly exceed your calves, taking a lot of sugar and a lot of fat.
These protein bars are pure rips! You don’t need her. Eat healthy, balanced and varied. Besides, they’re unhealthy. Have you ever seen the ingredients lists?
That’s it. Sometimes, however, it has to go fast and a protein bar occasionally will not hurt.
Whoever stands on the stuff will always find a reason to consume them, no matter how absurd the argument may be.
Unfortunately, this suggests that advertising and consumers fall on it.
That’s right. Better sugar-free shakes.
Thickness becomes if you are permanently absorbing more energy than is consumed. From everything.
You always increase when you eat more than you consume what is too much does not matter.