Promillewert schnell runterbringen?
ich habe folgendes Problem: Ich bin am Samstag auf einer Party eingeladen und habe vor mich dort mit Freunden zu betrinken. Nach der Party werde ich von meinen Eltern abgeholt, die einen Alkoholtest (zum pusten) haben. Sie haben mir jetzt schon gesagt dass ich höchstens 0,8 Promille haben darf sonst gibt es Ärger und Strafen. Ich bin ca 7 Stunden auf der Party, gibt es da Tipps um den Promillewert schnell schnell runterzubekommen? (am besten innerhalb von ungefähr 2 Stunden)
P.S. wer Tipps wie „trink einfach nichts“ hat, kann diese gerne für sich behalten 😉
No, I can’t. Alcohol is almost exclusively extracted from the liver and it works as fast as it is working. The only possibility is an infusion with the doctor, but this is definitely not an option 😉
The promille number depends on the drunken amount as well as on sex and body weight. The body rebuilds about 0.1 promille per hour, so in 7 hours about 0.7 promille. Tips like “a lot of food” e.g. change something about well-being and compatibility, but nothing about the promille number. This is a percentage value and coarsely calculated:
If you know your limit, there is an alcohol calculator: the result is always only indicative values! Here you can calculate the values you have.
If you want to talk about your consumption, please send me a message via a friendship request. I work as a social educator at the Mindzone project (acceptance-oriented drug work) and am on the go as a digital street worker online. (Online mostly Mo-Do 09:00-14:00)
Best regards,
Alena from the mindzone team
No, that’s not possible. There are apps that can be used to calculate its value. In addition, pages on the Internet are cured with tricks on how to supposedly manipulate the results of the breathing air testers. If the police are testing it doesn’t use much. They know that and, in doubt, take a blood sample. Your parents won’t do that. Apart from that, you should be a good son and not fool your parents. 🙏
No, I can’t.
Besides a blood scrub, there is no other way.
No there is no
Tell your father to put his promilletester in his ass and it’s done.
Unfortunately, there are no tricks or miracles, except what you don’t want to hear.
Drink a little.
0.8 should be enough for a party
These values apply to all Europeans: women are building 0.10 promille in one hour, men are 0.15 promille. This cannot be accelerated.
No matter how much and body weight you will have to build a while
drink and go jogging. And if you do the test before 2 times deep breath and then breathe as much air as possible
Deep inhalationn before a test, the value can be slightly reduced, because you introduce fresh air, not saturated with alcohol, into the lungs and dilute the concentration of the alcohol in the exhaled air at short notice.
That’s all. It is about reducing value
What doesn’t matter?
And how should anyone who has no experience with alcohol get to drink to the value? Concerns that the boy wants to drink, and there will be another one from the other calls.
Apart from that, it does not matter
Apart from that, parents are quite stupid to send their child to a place where the temptation is great, and to ask for such a rule.
They were 42 when they were born and don’t know about a teenager’s life.
up to 10% so become from 1 promille 0.9
The FS is going to a party.
When is he supposed to go jogging?
Hyperventilation can reduce the alcohol concentration in the breathing air by about 5 to 7 percent.
I.e. at 1.2 promille, you could lower it to 1.16.
That’s all.
Just drink nix. Otherwise there’s nothing else you could do ^^
I avoid the forbidden sentence and then just say, “Don’t drink.”