Programmiersprache für moderne GUI Anwendungen?


ich würde gerne eine Desktop-Anwendung programmieren, die möglichst auf vielen Betriebssystemen funktioniert.

Bei der Anwendung handelt es sich um ein Verwaltungssystem in der Dinge hinzugefügt und entfernt und auch Live-Daten über API-Anfragen eingesehen werden können.

Basierend auf meinen Erfahrungen im Informatikstudium, in dem ich bereits GUI-Anwendungen in Java entwickelt habe, frage ich mich, welche Programmiersprache sich am besten für moderne und professionelle GUI-Anwendungen eignet. Mir ist bewusst, dass Java aufgrund seiner Abhängigkeit von der Java Runtime Environment (JRE) nicht immer die beste Wahl ist.

Könnten Sie Literatur oder Buchempfehlungen teilen, die sich mit modernen und professionellen Ansätzen für GUI-Anwendungen befassen?

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1 year ago

Crossplatform GUI development, is usually limited to finding a GUI framework that is running on the target platforms. (…and may be installed)

I cannot give a general recommendation.

When you get out of the “Java World”, you should have touched Swing and JavaFX at least.

To googeln according to literature, there is no problem for an “informatic” :

Choosing the programming language for a project depends on the offer of Gui-Framemeworks, come to a “Pferd from the back” equal.

For cross platform projects, it is primarily important that the backend code can be executed/compiled with as little modifications as possible on the desired target systems.

What makes you use the most beautiful Gui when you need to manage different program versions for accessing databases, file system, Systeminterna 3..4?

Somehow, computer science studies must have left certain deficits open…🤔

1 year ago
Reply to  Erzesel

Choosing the programming language for a project depends on the offer of Gui-Framemeworks, come to a “Pferd from the back” equal.

Jein. Not necessarily. If there is an outsourced, server-side and standardized backend, which can be clearly defined by a Thinclient frontend, it can make sense to balance the requirements and then to enter the search for a suitable framework independently of the specific language.

A big fat cup is my experience of putting on something that might seem super modern at first, but where long-term establishment is uncertain.

I remember things like Silverlight and Co. This would have been a mistake if you came from the .NET world and were confined to the Microsoft ecosystem. And then you’re in the Legacy case someday and you have to migrate expensively.

1 year ago

So I would prefer:

  • C# with Avalonia
  • C# with MAUI
  • C# with Blazor Hybrid (also MAUI)

(Department MAUI, it is system-wide, but Linux was left outside. Otherwise it can be quite any system.)

Web is always modern when you design it modern, as it offers so many possibilities. Especially in today’s times, it can be enormously advantageous if you just release a PWA. How about:

  • C# Blazor WASM?

The PWA could be installed on any system via browser and, if necessary, without installation, only in the browser.

You could host the API by ReST Service. There are also C# templates here. ReST Service is modern and you don’t need to worry that any programming language does not support it.

I can’t recommend literature. In the end, the design comes out of the head, not books and documentation are available online. Watch a video about design rules on YouTube to be on the right stand.

Images or design rankings on websites may also be a support to find ideas. Example: (Google) Top Webdesigns 2023

1 year ago

I think Qt, Swing, SWT (Standard Widget Toolkit) or .NET MAUI is certainly not a bad choice. There are countless frameworks for cross-platform GUIs. I would advise to select one that is not stony but has prevailed over a long time. It is best if you can already use the programming language(s).

Kind regards

1 year ago

This is less a question of language than the cross-platform GUI frameworks. Even if the often “prior” languages have.

Electron (usually with JavaScript) or the proven Qt (usually, but not necessarily C++) are popular today.

Java is with Swing or JavaFX is not so badly set up, thanks to GraalVM you can also build native applications. Desktop apps are still a side-scene for Java.

1 year ago

Linux uses Unix and is therefore the basis of Android(Googl).

Sören Stabenow
1 year ago
Reply to  BaarrNeu

And how exactly does this answer the question now?

1 year ago

comment image

1 year ago
Reply to  BaarrNeu

…and what does your answer have to do with GUI?

1 year ago
Reply to  Erzesel

comment image

1 year ago

The correct answers from me can be read as often as he has understood. top

Sören Stabenow
1 year ago

Follow the quotation and make yourself smart about the terms in the question.

1 year ago

. . . . ., and I am not responsible for your understanding or your homework, for yourself.

1 year ago

You know that there is no right to stupidity?

Quote: “At first, if one has agreed on names and terms, one can hope to move forward in consideration of things, with ease and clarity.” C.v.Clausewitz

Sören Stabenow
1 year ago

Thanks for the inappropriate graphics

1 year ago

Your graphics don’t answer my question…. (I know how a GUI shell works for over 30 years)

The Linux kernel is based on Unix.

The graphical surface has nothing to do with it. Unix himself (like Dos) only had a commandoshell.

(…and neither Windows,Linux nor Android have invented the graphic shell. This is attributed to Xerox. )

Linux but also Windows (and theoretically also Android) can also be operated without GUI. The structure of the individual layers is similar to Windows .

Somehow you seem to be confused about the terms.

As regards the question of the FS, the representation of graphic elements can be quite different depending on the framework/API used.