Programmieren lernen (Hobbymäßig)?

Gibt es hier jemanden der sich mit programmieren auskennt, und mir vielleicht sagen kann wie ich am besten vorgehe? Ich bin da noch absolut am Anfang, es soll ja verschiedene scripting languages geben, mit welcher wäre es am sinnvollsten anzufangen? 🙂

Ich plane nicht später in diesem Bereich zu arbeiten, es interessiert mich nur mega und ich möchte mich selbst herausfordern und auch somit ein neues Hobby starten!

Liebe Grüße

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4 months ago

(…) there should be different scripting languages with which it would be best to start with?

You are probably well advised with JavaScript or Python. You can get in both well, there is a large community and accordingly a broad arsenal of learning material. They are also represented in many different areas or are suitable for many different scenarios.

For example, JavaScript is preferably used on the web, but can also be used for the development of mobile apps, ML and data evaluation, games and small desktop applications.

Python is good for ML and data analysis/evaluation, small desktop applications, glue software, task automation, games, (server-side) web applications, and IoT/Embedded Systems (Bsp.: Raspberry Pi).

These listed lists are certainly not complete, but should give you good approaches to what you could deal with later.

(…) and perhaps tell me how best to do it?

First look, which one of the two is most likely to appeal to you (observing the field of application). If you have a certain idea yourself (e.g.: I want to program Microcontroller), then you should check which programming language is suitable for this.

Then focus on familiarising yourself with the basics of the language you choose (including language features such as variables, operators, arrays/lists, control structures, OOP) before you start individual projects (e.g. the construction of a mobile app). Take your time and don’t rush through themes. Generally, you should expect that for this first step you need months rather than just a few days/weeks.

First, find suitable learning material and set up an environment where you can practically program. I will continue to focus on JavaScript/Python only in this answer.

(1) The first recommended entry point in any technology (be it a programming language, a framework, etc.) is the official online presence. You will usually find a documentation, the latest information and more often reference sources (recommended literature, tutorials, etc.).

For Python this would be, for JavaScript you can (representative) MDN Docs look.

Other recommended learning sources can be books (e.g. book publishers such as Apress, O’Reilly, packs, Rheinwerk, Springer), video courses (view on PluralSight or Udemy) and learning platforms (e.g. Codecademy, Hyperskill, Udacity). Find out in advance by means of reviews/reviews whether a book/course tends to be worthwhile or not and also respect the year of publication or which language version it is treating. For JavaScript I would recommend as minimum start ES6 (2015), for Python from 3.9.

With other online sources (e.g. YouTube tutorials), some caution is required, as it is often difficult to evaluate whether it is actually worthwhile or not already outdated. From crash courses I can generally guess and if you notice that you have encountered a drop-off course (where the tutor does not explain its approach and functionalities used in detail), I would also recommend a change. In addition, using several sources as a source of reference is not wrong, because they can complement each other.

In addition to the platforms already mentioned, I can bIn relation to Python, especially the courses on Hyperskill and RealPython (a platform that includes articles on the most varied tools or application areas of Python). With regard to JavaScript you can look inside of me.

2) The sooner you set up a development environment with you, the sooner you can start trying out practically. I think it is the best way to handle theory and practice approximately parallel. This makes it easier to embossed the learned.

Good development environments for Python are PyCharm, Visual Studio (with the Python Development Tools) or a suitably configured Visual Studio Code (Setup Guide).

For JavaScript, I would also like to use Visual Studio Code (Setup Guide) refer. If you want to build web applications, you also need an internet browser.

4 months ago

Hey did Computer Science study and am software developer, I would recommend you to start with Python as it is a very simple programming language that is suitable for beginners (before started with Java, what you can do but there you do it unnecessary hard so take Python)

I would recommend you to make courses first (free Python courses) because there is a lot on the Internet of, as soon as you are better familiar with the syntax of Python and have completed several courses, you should intensively deal with problem Solving, you should come about at 5Kyu level.

Then, if you are on 5Kyu and the syntax is much better controlled, programming from your head will be easier to fall and the ideas will come by yourself and if not you can search for project ideas on the Internet,

Otherwise, you could simply join Opensource projects and work with other hobby programmers or professional ones, but as I said, only the courses to learn the syntax at all and then problem Solving, problem solving is absolutely necessary if you have to work in IT one day before.

PS. Don’t look at too many Youtube tutorials, otherwise you end up like many who want to learn to program and just watch Youtube videos, so you’d rather do it yourself.


4 months ago

There are many different programming languages.

One that is often recommended to starters is Python. The syntax, i.e. the “grammar” of Python, is very simple, while Python can also be very nutritious.

Do you want to write programs on your PC or create websites?

4 months ago
Reply to  paulbinich

This is quite persuasive reference – I think that for an enthusiasts the web development is perhaps better, as one sees the content directly on websites and not so abstract in the terminal of your computer.

Web development is also very well divided into two areas – Frontend and Backend.

Frontend is what the user sees and what the user can interact with.

The logic then occurs in the backend, for example user data are stored in databases.

I would recommend you to sniff in both areas, so software development with python and web development for 1-2 h so you can see what’s better for you.

There are some Youtube tutorials and courses on the Internet, both of which are excellent.

Here is an example video for web development (frontend, without JavaScript):

And here is an example video for Python:

4 months ago

No ding 🙂

4 months ago

Learning by doing is my motto. Udemy courses are also good

4 months ago

It helps to consider what you want to create zb a program, an app, web pages etc