Produzieren Firmen unnötige Kosten um Steuern zu drücken?
Hallo zusammen,
ein Freund von mir sagte Folgendes: Er verkauft Software an Firmen, dies sei ein “no brainer Geschäftsmodell”, da die Firmen die Software-Abos nie kündigen würden. DENN: Die Firmen müssen Kosten produzieren, um ihre Steuern zu senken.
Aber das ergibt doch mal überhaupt gar keinen Sinn. Dann könnten Firmen ja Geld für jeden möglichen Schrott ausgeben nur um weniger Steuern zu zahlen, aber dann haben sie halt auch keinen Gewinn mehr, und der ganze Geschäftszweck ist verfehlt…
Wenn schon, dann würden sie eben Geld ausgeben bei Firmen wo sie den Chef kennen usw. ok dann kommt das Geld über 3 Ecken wieder bei ihnen selbst an. Aber doch nicht für irgendeinen fremden.
Was denkt ihr dazu?
That’s a wrong assumption.
If you say we have to pay taxes to 1000€ at a tax rate of 50% (as a top earner), then you have 500€. If you don’t give them up, you only have $0. That’s bullshit!
What companies do is to buy tax-deductible products, such as a company car, modern computers and so on, so that employees are more satisfied and thus work more. As a result of the expenditure on these items, companies must pay less profit because they are then considered to be expenditure by the tax office.
This means many investing in new machines, cars, etc. or in their employees.
But an investment is not a stupid issue, like an unnecessary subscription that you don’t need.
Yeah, right! Thank you.
That’s it. If the company causes totally insane costs without having anything of it is 100% of the money away. If she just pays taxes, only a part, of 30%, is gone.
Wsa different, reasonable To make investments and thus to reduce profit. But that has nothing to do with causing any senseless costs.
Amazing like a self-employed person (sounding as if your friend was self-employed) can have so little insight.
Yes, he is only 19 or so and always laughs a lot
Many at his age have a 1-2-year-old company and lease directly an AMG. Then go after that.