Produktrückruf Glas?Angst bitte hilfe?


ich habe vorhin Pizza mit Mais gemacht und bin dann auf den Artikel gestoßen..,R%C3%BCckruf%20%E2%80%93%20Bremen%20und%20Niedersachsen%3A%20Glassplitter%20in%20%E2%80%9EBeste%20Ernte,Sonnenmais%E2%80%9C%20via%20Netto%20Marken%2DDiscount&text=Die%20EKO%20Konzervipari%20Kft.,(MHD)%2006.08.2025.

Ich komme aus NRW und da steht ja nur Bremen und Niedersachsen und ein MHD aber ich mache mich da trotzdem immer total verrückt, dass bei mir auch was drin war. Jetzt habe ich total Panik.

Das MHD bei mir war 31.12.2025.

Was wenn da doch was drin war und ich es jetzt gegessen habe..? Ich habe so angst vor inneren Blutungen, da sowas letztens einem Freund passiert ist..

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2 years ago

Hello at this point I would just advise you go to the hospital please let the a friend of you has happened it does not have to happen with you but to go on number safe medical attention has 116 117 number clear nationwide or you go directly to the hospital even if it has to be with the taxi because such cases unfortunately it does not have to happen with you but if you have such fear please let the immediately clear off the hospital it was not wrong

2 years ago
Reply to  feifei123

I don’t think they’ll laugh you for that, you want to go on number safe that I can’t imagine now, but I just told you what to do or can but they wouldn’t laugh you for that is always better than forbearance

2 years ago

Nothing will happen. It’s not for your region, the Mhd is not right, and I once drank out of a cup and noticed too late that the glass shrew in it floats and ncihts is fit. In addition, the sheer is only in individual doses, and the size is said nciht. So you could see them.

Don’t worry about your pizza.


2 years ago

It concerns the charge 06.08.2025, not yours. So keep feeding your pizza.

2 years ago
Reply to  feifei123

No it was previously produced that says the date on your rifle.

2 years ago

Oh, sorry, I kind of confused. Of course you’re right.

Still, the corn can eat, there’s nothing in it.

Little tip from me. For example, I only take cans of Bonduelle, which tastes best for me/us. The cheaper varieties always taste us a little fade and kind of woody.

The small cans of Bonduelle I often open out of the can, tastes delicious, but is a matter of taste. They usually don’t get it in the salad. Our housekeeper always buys several cans as she already knows me.

2 years ago

Wrong federal state, wrong batch, all good!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  feifei123

No matter, still wrong MHD, so wrong batch.