Produkt herstellen?
Hallo, ich möchte mein eigenes Produkt herstellen lassen, aber ich habe sehr wenig Ahnung, ich habe schon paar Ideen. Aber ich brauche sehr ernsthafte Antworten bitte: wenn ich das herstellen lasse, womit muss ich rechnen, was kommt als erstens wenn ich herstellen lassen habe, wird mein Produkt nur in Deutschland verkauft oder kann ich das selbst entscheiden? Wie viel Geld brauch ich für all diesen Prozess? Dankeschön
For the first time, you need a manufacturer to do this to you. As this is a drink, you must observe the rules for food in the country where you want to sell it. There are a lot of rules to be observed, especially in Germany, such as hygiene, labelling, transport of waste, EAN coding, etc. If you’re abroad, you’ll also have to consider transportation costs if you’re making customs outside the EU.
Why don’t you ask your uncle who obviously knows how to do that?
I don’t want to ask my uncle who he doesn’t ask anyone and got help for free from someone, I want to create everything by myself from the beginning to the end, but thank you.
Let’s go. Good luck!
You have to inform yourself about a lot of details and make a plan for everything, otherwise it won’t be.
Topic Production: What do you want to produce? What? Where do the raw materials come from? What quantities? What target group? What price?
Topic Sale: Where do you want to sell? Shop or online? How are you going to apply? Customers don’t just come like that.
Topic Taxes/Competitions etc.: You need to take care of the entire process of business registration, decide for a business form, consider how to organize business. Can you start as a small business? Who does accounting? Do you know each other?
Topic: To do this, you need much more know how in terms of tax law, etc., which complicated everything again.
So first make a business plan, look at instructions for the way to self-employment, there is an explanation of what you need. Then step by step inform yourself about all the topics you don’t understand.
After that, you can only imagine how much money will cost the whole thing.
You can’t say that without any further details.
For example, if you want to make a prospectus, you might have a few thousand euros.
I’d like to get a drink out of such horny ideas, but since I have little idea, my uncle brought his own drink out a few years ago, now I’m my dream.
I would start to a small extent, because you can do this with normal household equipment.
Tell your uncle what it costs
You’d have to find a company that’s doing this next door if the machines aren’t loaded. Then it is also questionable whether the ingredients are allowed in Germany or not. There are many regulations on food.
I think you have to expect at least 500,000 to 1 million euros for this initial investment. Own bottles own design own boxes own label what I know what’s coming together.
He has done that abroad, in Germany are other rules that will not bring me any further
You need €100,000.
Until you don’t have them, you don’t have to think about anything else.
Haha horn best answer
Yeah, you laugh.
But the Germans Hans and Günter want to fill the bottles for you.
Of course, the raw materials used, electricity etc. pp.
Advertising for marketing your product. Insurance, registration fees and and and.
I thank you for your answer
Yes, Germany just what lives on taxes haha all well)
A few euros are not.
You finally pay Hans and Günter in Germany, and not Ranjit and Balu in India.
Of course, some Euros and Hans and Günter are already doing this:)
It’s hard to say. There are many ideas. The question is, can these really be implemented?
How much space does it take? How much staff? Can you get an approval?
There are many questions that you have to answer before you can set up a theory.
This depends on the product.