Probleme zu Hause bin 25 in Therapie daher kann nicht arbeiten Mutter sagt ich soll kacken und meine Scheiße essen?
Mutter sagt sie würde bald das Haus verlassen einfach abhauen dann kann ich kacken und meine eigene Scheiße essen.
mein Stiefvater redet sowas nicht mit mir und ist sehr aggressiv wenn ich da knallt Türe zu sagt ich darf nur 1 mal Woche duschen gehen macht Heizung aus und es ist kalt sagt es Geld soviel Geld weg es ist hier kein Hotel.
Mutter macht psychischen Stress
Well, just because you’re in therapy, which is usually 1x a week, doesn’t mean you can’t work. But the parents’ house is not exactly optimal. Why don’t you discuss this in therapy?
I am mentally ill
Your mother probably imagined it all differently. Probably she was looking forward to coming out of the house now that you’re grown up and can stand on her own feet. Probably she’s pulled back and forth and you think you’re doing it deliberately because you don’t have a bump to work. I wouldn’t be amused if my life plans suddenly change. The reaction itself is not nice.
In my opinion, this is not a good basis. I can understand you, but she too. You should see that you can take off. As fast as possible. So you can rest.
These are topics for the therapy, talk to your therapist about it and ask if he helps you get into a group of mentally ill people.
At such a home, I’d be sick too, how would you feel better under such circumstances?
I’m just at home and doing a therapy. my tibacy is broken. as far as it goes, I can and must take care of my own things. but my parents support me.
Search Civil Money and a Work on
Hole therapy
Pull into a rental apartment (possibly financed by the state)
Try to help your family if they have problems
What’s that answer, are you drunk?
No, I’m not drunk. What do you not like?
He has to be able to take care of himself…
Looking for citizen money?
Work, is on the question that he/she is incapable of work.
Get therapy? He/she is in therapy.
State-funded apartment?
Trying to help the family? The family is the problem and the questioner needs help.
Yeah, at some point, the parents are tired. And then such sayings come.
have asked you question 9 months ago get dressed and quickly find an apartment to take care of the therapy citizen’s money and look for a minijob when better goes