Probleme wegen Beschneidung?
Ich bin 18(m) und ich wurde vor vier Jahren wegen einer Phimose teilbeschnitten worden (dehnen hat nicht funktioniert). Dieses Problem hat es auch gelöst, aber seitdem habe ich ein anderes.
Dadurch, dass ich teilbeschnitten wurde (etwa 50%) und wahrscheinlich auch, weil mein Frenulum mit entfernt wurde, zieht sich die Restvorhaut immer wieder ungewollt vollständig zurück.
Die Häufigkeit reicht nicht, um mich endlich daran zu gewöhnen, aber sie reicht auch nicht, um kein größeres Problem darzustellen.
Gerade, wenn ich aktiv irgendwas mache (Fahrrad fahren, Joggen, Fußball spielen etc.) passiert es, dass sie sich zurückzieht und das ist mehr als unangenehm.
Ich habe jetzt auch schon über ein Jahr versucht, sie zu dehnen, damit sie wieder lang genug ist, um dabei nicht zurückzugehen, aber ohne jeden Erfolg. Mein anderer Versuch war es, sie dauerhaft hinten zu tragen, aber auch das klappt nicht, weil sie in der Ruhe Position wieder nach vorne rutscht.
Was kann ich noch machen, um das Problem endlich loszuwerden? Denn es stört mich wirklich sehr.
I was also in the situation either complete or partial circumcision. The chief doctor advised me about both things and I agreed to a complete circumcision.
You’ve got many opinions from others and I’m going this way with the others and I advise you on radical circumcision.
After the complete removal of the foreskin, you don’t need a big help.
In the PF I would also help you more
First of all, a “complete” circumcision does not mean that you will feel less relevant. The main difference is simply the conversion of the concept of your penis. Everything feels different after that or works differently: handling in everyday life, hygiene, stimulation in sex and self-satisfaction. But it’s not worse, it’s just different.
Your partial circumcision makes you crazy because neither the concept of an uncircumcised penis nor works nor that of a circumcision. Actually, you have already found this knowledge yourself and described it in detail.
If you still have inner foreskin at the moment, then let yourself be cut so that it remains, so the scar runs as far as possible from the acorn (“high”). And let so much remaining pre-skin or stem skin remove that the remaining skin of the penis is tight. ‘Tight’.
With such a circumcision (“High&Tight”) you get rid of the geeer and keeps all feelings. You don’t need any tools for stimulation and SB.
Just really need to look for a doctor who can and wants to do this. If you need some time and money, it’s worth it! Got a penis. In doubt, ask Eurocirc who know recommended addresses.
I am so circumcised and very satisfied with it. Also know before/after, because cut as an adult.
As it sounds to me, you are dissatisfied with it because everything always slips back and forth.
When you’re completely cut, nothing slips back and forth, the hardest. You’re best talking about a urologist.
Being radically circumcised, such a problem does not know now, neither running, nor cycling, even though I have football matches with my AH men.
Go to a urologist to discuss your problem, which you can read, you will find a solution.
My personal opinion
If stretching hasn’t done anything, you only have to remove the foreskin completely.
Go to the urologist. Either cut off the rest of the foreskin, that will probably be outer foreskin/shaft skin, or stretch with a special cream and equipment, depending on what you want. I personally would have the rest removed.
That’s why you don’t let a partial circumcision. Most of them are dissatisfied later. You can’t do anything anymore, except for a new operation, but you have to pay for yourself, because medically not necessary. So I can only advise anyone if an operation becomes necessary to make it right.
Let the foreskin cut off completely. Part circumcision is never good, even if the band has been removed.
Let your foreskin cut back as far as it goes.
I still want to feel something and can easily wi**en.
This will also be completely circumcised no problem.
You can do that without a foretaste. It’s important that you care well for your acorn.
I actually go to shower daily
That’s not true. And even if. Are cleaner and without preskin is better for your wife
Most cut guys need to use lubricants afterwards.
I had a little bite, and the foreskin rolled back and forth. I’ve cut myself tight, and that’s much better. I can’t complain about a lack of feeling.
I think high and tight is a good solution for your case.
That’s exactly why my friend volunteered 3.5 years ago… He also had a short, quite loose front skin and has disturbed him that she often slips backwards
I’d be completely circumcised in your situation.
I’m afraid I’m gonna need some tools and don’t feel so much anymore.
I recommend “high and tight”. I’m as cut and feel as much as before. I don’t need tools.
Let the vestibule be completely cut away, then you’ll have peace
And less feeling…
You don’t have to be afraid of that.
And you need gliding gel for masturbation because you can no longer move the preskin residues.
You can’t have everything.
I am completely circumcised and cannot complain
I look just like
Oh boy 😂
Orange? Or rather wood apple? Really?? Unbelievable 🤦🏻
What anecdotal evidence is the problem? Seriously?
Well, you have the problem, not me. If you ask for opinions and help and then complain about it in return, don’t help you, come clear 🤷🏻
And where’s the problem?
This is the problem with anecdotal evidence, it is highly selective.
Yeah, that too.