Probleme periode restaurant?
Ich gehe bald ins restaurant, am samstagabend mit der familie von ca 18.00-23.00.
Ich sollte bald meine peridoe kriegen
das problem ist wie mache ich es wenn ich gerade um 19.00 zb meine tage kriege.
ich muss gem ärztin tabletten nehmen doch die kann ich dann ja nicht nehmen:(
Then why can’t you take the pills?
Prepare with hygiene articles and take the tablets. If necessary, you will apologize for the toilet (if you do not want to take it before others) and take it there.
Yes on toilet I don’t have a cup where I can fill in water:-(
Then form a bowl with your hands and catch the water with it. You can also make the problems yourself….
Then take a water bottle.
And you don’t drink in the restaurant?
Jesus sounds complicated. Head cinema and good.
Then you can answer “Only so” if you don’t want to say it. But I’ll tell you how it is: Your father knows you’re at the age when you probably have your period. Even if you don’t tell him.
If I’ve done so, my father said why I take all the backpack:-(
Keep your backpack on the toilet – nobody thinks about it. You’re thinking too much about it. Nobody cares if you have your period or not – nobody laughs about it or anything else.
Yes, this is noticeable to take the on toilet:(
Don’t play it. You pack tampons or ties, or what you’re using, into your purse and go to the toilet when the bleeding starts.
Most of the time there aren’t the same roofs, so it shouldn’t be a problem.
And if someone asks you why you go to the toilet with a handbag, you just say “just get my period.” This is nothing you should be ashamed of. Well, half of mankind is regularly menstrued.
The ominous tablet seems to be only ibuprofen. Put a small bottle of water in your handbag, then you can also swallow the tablet in the toilet. Buy a smoothie, they are often in 200ml bottles, drink it out, clean the bottle and already you have a perfect water bottle that fits into the handbag.
You can also take the medis in the restaurant. Or is the pill? You don’t have to take them to the second where it starts to bleed.
yes bind and so goes medis see them then vlt that I take what
Swallow and good. Or you go to the bathroom and drink water from the tap.
Even if, what are these for medis you need to take SOFORT at the start of bleeding? Take the rest at home.
What about everything in the world is so bad to take pain pills before your own family? I just don’t understand.
It’s not that you smash the hemorrhoids at the table with ointment.
Take in the toilet… leave in the oven and rinse with water at the table.
Yes I would be able to take sue not if someone would see me
Oh, dear, this is really something completely harmless… I’m getting in at the 800s and that’s often hours later or the second day. Hold it as needed.
Otherwise, just take it, that’s a pain pill, nothing more. You’re pretty silly.
Pain Means ibu 200
What is this ominous pill? It would be good to know.
I need to take it right at blood flow 24.00 would be too late
Then take the tablet at home at 24:00. Ready.
Jaa I have to. mine only if the beginning of blood happens at 20.00 in restaurant
Go to the bathroom and take it.
Go to the bathroom and take it there