Probleme mit lippen,was soll ich tun?
Guten Abend ihr lieben!
Ich brauche dringend eure Hilfe.
Ich habe seit 9 Monaten extreme Probleme mit meinen Lippen.
Ich war schon in Hautkliniken, aber keiner kann mir helfen.
Hat einer von euch Erfahrungen damit?
Ich kann mir nicht mals meine Zähne normal putzen alles färbt ab, meine Lippenhaut löst sich alle paar tage und es entstehen trockne hautplatten die sich erneut lösen!
Würde mich riesig über antworten freuen.
Honig,Öl,Cremes etc. alles schon ausprobiert
If you regularly use lip balm, it can’t lie in the weather and you drink enough, and don’t keep leaking, only the following is considered:
the latter would probably have found the dermatologist. So you need a blood test for symptoms of deficiency or suspect iron and vitamin B to you. Either from the diet or via a shower tablet etc.
Thank you, but everything is not the case! 😟
Then it may be an ability of you to discard the lip 😉 accusation, but then I am also overwhelmed. The skin doctor must have taken a sample for the lab?
You say you were in skin clinicen. Most. Why?
Go to a doctor. Let A doctor take your treatment. It’s not guaranteed he can help you. And probably a little time will pass until you find the right thing. But if you go to another doctor every time, you make it really unnecessary. Then it starts from the front every time.
Spontaneous idea: Eat for a few weeks. And make an allergy test.
I was 5 months at the same doctor,but from one point he could not do anything anymore,because there was no improvement (no little).
This can be a sign of iron deficiency. Let’s check your blood values.
Maybe use a lot of Labello to prevent the lips from getting dry.