Probleme mit erben und Geschäft?
Mein Vater besitzt ein Geschäft, ich möchte dieses aber übernehmen, bin aber eher in richtung IT geeignet. Jetzt meine Frage es können komplett andere aus unser riesigen Familie übernehmen aber ich möchte es gerne aber wie gesagt bin ich für die it gut bin 13.
It wouldn’t be the first time someone was dealing with only a part of the management and then has another partner. There are companies with managing directors for the different areas.
You should take advantage of the opportunity and let your father bring you up. You can also do small works.
Maybe you’re fun and you’re talented. You don’t know until you try it.
I also volunteer to work smaller ones, I am the marketing manager there.
If you really want it (my husband also knew at 10 years that he wants to become independent), then it is your responsibility that you acquire all the knowledge that is necessary for the continuation of the company.
IT is just an area of a company, it belongs exactly as (depending on what the company does), professional and commercial knowledge.
IT, for example, little if there is a carpentry where technical knowledge is required. A carpenter who is good in crafts, but has no commercial competence, will also get problems.
Become 18 and talk to your father until then.
To inherit your father would have to die first.
And if he does it wisely, he will pass on the business beforehand to a successor.
But why do you even want to have the business if you don’t. Until you’re full-year, there’s some time left.
You’re 13 years old, what you’re really suitable for is still in the stars.