Probleme mit der Post?
Ich habe aktuell Probleme mit der Post. Ein Großbrief, den ich erhalten sollte wurde Montag losgeschickt und er ist heute Samstag immer noch nicht angekommen. Anders herum wurde eine Bücher Waren Sendung, die ich Dienstag zugestellt habe immernoch nicht dem Empfänger zugestellt… Wie kann das sein und was kann ich dagegen tun, das ist doch nicht normal. Zudem wurde letztens eine Münze die ich versendet hatte aus meinem Brief gestohlen…
Good morning.
At the post there are currently human problems. Therefore, letters currently have a higher term than usual.
My tip. If one thing is really important to you, you should send you as a enrollment or package. These two types of consignment are insured and are prioritised by the post.
Kind regards.
Okay, so do you think the letter could come?
Of course!
I can’t confirm. Get the letter app of the post then you see what you get.
Coins of hard items remain hanging in the sorting systems. Always send as a pack or in an air cushion envelope.
Book shows are very cheap and have runtime over a week.
Not all letters!
98% I see there .. also from the tax office. what is sent by private service providers I do not always see. Of course, charges from the court do not see 😉
That’s what I asked myself. In addition, I find it obvious that two shipments were not delivered within a week…
I have the app for over 2 years.. Handwritten addresses I have no one
Shipments usually take a little longer! You sent the coin by registered mail, so she’s insured!