Probleme mit Augen, Tipps?

Hey, bin aktuell 17 und verbringe am Tag viel Zeit vor dem Bildschirm. (Wollte ich nur gesagt haben, denke aber nicht das es etwas beeinflusst) -> bitte keine Tipps mit “mach mal nen Tag Pause” oder so, das geht nicht, bin im Esport tätig.

Wenn man morgens aufwacht kennt man das ja, das die Augen sozusagen etwas “verschlafen” sind, meißtens bekommt man das dann relativ gut mit Gesicht/Augen waschen weg. Bei mir ist das etwas anders, das waschen bringt nichts und es geht meißtens erst am späten Tag (um 3/4 uhr nachmittags) weg. Nun stört dieses Gefühl (bei mir fühlt es sich an, wie als währe meine haut unter dem auge etwas dicker/ vllt sogar ein bisschen angeschwollen) sehr wenn ich ins Aim Training herein starte. Seit einigen Wochen wärme ich vor dem Training/den scrims auch meine Augen auf, was für mich persönlich zwar performencetechnisch einen Unterschied macht, allerdings nicht das genannte Problem behebt.

Hat irgend jemand vllt ein ähnliches Problem und kennt Lösungsansätze oder ähnliches?

Freue mich über eure antworten

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9 months ago

Sounds strongly to dry and overloaded eyes. Comes that when you look on a screen, the eyes “forged” to blinks. First tip: Öfter Blinzeln. Second: In the meantime moisten eyes, also with eye drops.

If you sit long in front of the screen, make sure that the environment around the screen is not too dark. Otherwise the 20-20-20 rule, each 20min 20 seconds long 20 meters in the distance.

You have to relieve your eyes somehow, as it is, they show a clear overexercise. So it’s a day break, it’s better to get some rest.

9 months ago

Take a day break!

Esport is also not a real sport… You can save your eyes a day!

9 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

Sorry: Esport is not a real sport! Please:

9 months ago

Yes, it can understand… I’ll do it myself. After my job, in my FREE TIME, as HOBBY. But would never call it sport 🙂

I earn my money with something right and not with dreams. But children are kids…

9 months ago

You don’t waste my time. I like to do this for you 🙂

9 months ago

Why argument? You just justify yourself? You push a mouse and push around on buttons, call the sport and have dry eyes.

Take a day break and it’ll get better. You’re not going to that either. Probably the screen of your phone is so small that you have read it smoothly.

But who do I tell you? You are one percent of the big ones 🙂

9 months ago

Wow, is that supposed to mean that I’m just texting someone to say and writing 1% of the top players? That makes me so proud and happy!

And then again these justifications…

And unfortunately you don’t have a backbone, even though you’ve already agreed…

Instead, just talk and talk…

Let’s see how long I can show you!

9 months ago

How do you want to be a good e-learner if you can’t even write the simplest lyrics?

9 months ago

17? You write like 12… Maybe a key phone would be better for you.

Have a nice day, too! I assume you want to leave the discussion with it? Then I also hope you have the “balls” to go through it. Most children of your age are talking nonsense…

9 months ago

Are you done with your justification now?

With me, the whole thing only triggers a hand-to-mouth coordination:

You do not take into account the actual tip of me and many others. Probably the whole thing goes with you towards addiction problem (and you just call it e-sport)…

9 months ago

The only one who justifies himself is you:)

but do not think your strength is I have come along

How many spelling errors can you find in this section alone? So you shouldn’t be the brightest light when thinking, right?

But still great that a 12-year-old tried to explain me. I’ll give you a spot.

9 months ago

Well, there are also people who think stupidly that PC games are a sport… Just keep up when they get dry eyes instead of muscle cats and just don’t get that you should take a break…!

BTW: “Right” athletes also protect their body in between.

9 months ago

I’d say you have the dry eyes. I had my 8-hour work every day. It’s also called disturbed tear film.

Make every night before sleeping Vitagel in the eyes and three times a day Thealoz eye drops in. Over a few days, it’ll be fine. Maybe you should always take eye drops now, just after getting up.