Probleme Harnröhre?
Ich habe phasenweise starke Schmerzen in der Harnröhre nach dem Wasserlassen, aber ohne Harndrang und es hat auf jedenfall nichts mit der Blase zu tun sondern der Röhre. Ich war bei so vielen Ärzten auch mit Abstrich und Untersuchungen. Und es kommt immer wieder raus das da nichts ist. Die Schmerzen sind aber so unerträglich dass ich teilweise mich nicht mehr bewegen kann und psychisch zusammenbreche weil es so weh tut. Was kann das wohl sein??
If it is keiine inflammation (probably…): Try it with warmth to relax. You could heat a grain pillow in the microwave (e.g.) and put it on the abdomen. That should also relax crisp…
This does not help in the long run, however.
That sounds strong like kidney stones.
You should see them in the ultrasound.
Can you understand that.
I always have the problem that it starts with water draining, which gets less and less, but more urge comes.
In addition, strong ongoing pains occur in the area of the kidney where it sits.
The duration t then likes to get up to 10 hours and strong painkillers until it’s gone and comes out.
I’ve had some of them dressed for days.
Important, Kidney Grieß can also trigger this
Yes, my doctor also thought, and then he also scanned my kidneys and also made an ultrasound, but there was nothing to see. But thanks for the tip
a good urologist will try to search the ground for these symptoms as long as there are no inflammatory markers.
Yeah, I was there. The doctor was great and they also made a smear, but there was really nothing. Do you want me to go back to a professional?
Do you think the doctor you were with was not a professional???
The man/boy just meant a professional doctor would take care of what I have, and it’s like that.