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8 months ago

Printing heads tend to dry and confuse quickly if you do not print regularly.

As a result of prolonged non-use, the nozzles are probably crucified with dried ink. It only helps to expand the printer head and to subject it to manual cleaning.

Suitable Cleaning liquid and tools is available for almost 10 euros. So that the whole thing can be soaked first and then wipe gently with a tool without a fume.

8 months ago

You can buy cleaning cartridges and test it with them. If you don’t get the print head clean and the prints don’t get much better, you can at most try to remove the print head and clean it by hand (Isopropanol-containing cleaning agent), otherwise the printer is probably electronics scrap.

8 months ago

Dispose printers and buy a new one.

8 months ago

Depending on the program you use, you should be able to adjust the quality of the print. In the case of the highest, the average is preset 🙂