Probleme bei der Theorie beim Führerschein?
Guten Abend zusammen,
Ich bin langsam am Verzweifeln. Ich habe jetzt nach den 1200 Fragen auf der Theorie App 27 Prüfung Simulation gemacht, davon habe ich sieben mal bestanden und bin 20 mal logischerweise durchgefallen langsam komme ich nicht mehr weiter. Ich bin am verzweifeln, da ich mir die ganzen Fragen nicht einprägen kann und ständig andere Fehler mache. Wie habt ihr es damals hingekriegt? Mache ich mich vielleicht auch noch selber zu sehr verrückt? manchmal habe ich um die 20-30 Fehler aber oft auch nur ganz knapp vorbei an den Erlaubten 10 Fehlerpunkten. wie habt ihr gelernt? Ich bedanke mich für Ihre Antwort.
If you have such difficulties with the exams, you have clearly not learned enough.
If you have serious understanding difficulties with the questions, you have not yet learned the rules, numbers, fist formulas, etc.
So back to the textbook or wherever you take the explanations of the traffic rules and look at it again. For example, make sure you have actually looked at all the lessons and not left one or two inadvertently.
Let’s be honest, wanting to memorize the 1200 questions is meaningless. Because that would necessarily be in addition to learning the traffic rules, which you need from now on for your life whenever you participate in the road. And the vast majority of questions (pertinently all) can be answered correctly even if one cannot remember if one has practiced them before.
I’ve been careful in theory classes. But there was not too much new for me, because I had already taken part in the road as a cyclist for years and looked out the window and watched the traffic when I was driving in the car. Estimated 80% of the traffic rules were known to me before I attended the first theory lesson. In addition, I was used to learning through attentive listening, which has always worked well for me and so in theory lessons.
Then once, twice the textbook was smeared and that’s it. I was too lazy to ask, we had only the paper sheets as in the exam at the time and I have forgotten them all the time at home.
Sounds like a 1972 license?
Today such questions come:
Overhaul = speed of own vehicle (100) divided by the differential speed (100-70=30) multiplied by the sum of the two two-second safety distances and the length of both vehicles (50 m + 50 m + approx. 4,5 + 15.5 m).
This results in an overhaul of 400 m. Due to the doll the path is to double, from which the 800 m result.
There is no good sense of human being and no theory lessons. It only helps memorize.
Nein, da war ich noch nichtmal Quark 😉 2011 habe ich den B-Führerschein gemacht.
Dafür braucht man genau eine der Faustformeln, die man im Theorieunterricht gelernt hat, nämlich dass die zurückgelegte Strecke in m/s etwa 3/10 der Geschwindigkeit in km/h ist.
Ich muss also ca. 120 m mit einem Geschwindigkeitsvorteil von 30 km/h überbrücken, also 10 m/s. Dauert 12 Sekunden. Während dieser 12 Sekunden bin ich 100 km/h schnell, also ca. 33,3 m/s. 12 s * 33,3 m/s = 400 m. Dito kann der Gegenverkehr mit 100 km/h über die Kuppe kommen und ebenfalls während meines 12-sekündigen Überholvorgangs 400 m zurücklegen.
Wo ist da jetzt das Problem?
Eine einzige Faustformel aus dem Theorieunterricht und etwas Kopfrechnen auf dem Niveau der 5. oder 6. Klasse. Also ich hoffe doch nicht, dass wir als Gesellschaft akzeptieren, dass Leute die Verantwortung über ein mögliches Mordinstrument und/oder 8 Mitfahrer übernehmen, die nichtmal derartige Basic-Denkleistungen zustande bringen wenn sie sich dafür 10 Minuten Zeit nehmen!
Mal blöd gefragt: Wie machst du es denn, wenn du am Steuer sitzt? Und der LKW vor dir nicht 70 km/h fährt, sondern vielleicht 80 km/h oder nur 60 km/h? Stellst du dann fest, dass du ja nicht wissen kannst ob die überblickte Strecke zum Überholen reicht, weil du nie die Antwort auswendig gelernt hast?
Let your time answer and read the questions carefully, many mistakes are often made. Many questions are similar and often it is just a small but decisive detail that makes the difference.
Read the questions decently and read the answers in peace. Then you let that go through your head and find the right answer.
If this doesn’t lead to improvement, you should start a bit earlier and make the same with the questions. It is one of the 1,200 questions to go through, but it is something else to answer these questions seriously and not just that one is through.
I’ve been with me for a while, but I just solved a lot with a healthy sense of human being. Basically, you know how to drive (even if you already had practice lessons). And then it just helps in the case example.
Otherwise, only “buffing” helps and in doubt ask the instructor if you don’t understand. That’s why the guy is there;)
Wasn’t that hard, most traffic rules knew long before driving school
That might sound a stupid one, but you have to learn it by heart. Logically think! In road traffic, you will have to ask these questions every day, and if you can’t answer them, your life and that of the other traffic participants will depend on it! If you say that, it might be easier for you to answer the questions and learn them.
And read the book!
You cover a large part of this.
You have to learn the rest by heart.
Simulations are only made when all questions have been learned.
my colleague has made the Bundeswehr licence about 3 years ago, who has secretly asked and answer photographed, so desperate was the, though the already had the, normal German ” guide license.