Problem mit Packstation: “Ihr Code ist an dieser Packstation unbekannt” – weiss jemand eine Lösung?
Ich habe 6 Pakete in einer Packstation liegen, normalerweise klappt die Abholung problemlos.
Gerade war ich an der Packstation und wollte sie abholen, da erscheint nach Scannen des Codes aus der App die Meldung: “Ihr Code ist an dieser Packstation unbekannt”.
Ich habe es mehrmals versucht, die App auch geschlossen, mich aus- und wieder eingeloggt, es nach 10 Minuten erneut versucht – das Problem bleibt.
Hatte jemand dieses Problem schonmal und weiss eine Lösung? Der DHL-Kundendienst ist wie in Deutschland üblich natürlich jetzt bis Montag nicht erreichbar. 🙁
Danke im Voraus!
Were you at the right packing station? Sometimes the shipments are placed in another one, but the recipient does not pay attention to it because he did not expect it at all.
Maintenance work should not be the reason that took place a week ago.
Was there again, after reinstalling the app it worked.
dHL has a software update to the operating system today and tomorrow and therefore the packaging station is credibly usable.
Just try again on Monday.
There’s no way DHL would write.
Do you have a source for it?
I ordered the stuff for the weekend, if it’s in there until Monday it can be sent back again, that’s not a solution.
So I have received an e-mail that there are software updates again and that the packing stations are not available on Saturdays to Sundays or are available restrictedly. Well, if it’s too late on Monday, then it’s just that I can’t change anything.
The next time you just order in time other option you don’t have
So I wrote to you that there are updates and that I don’t know if the regional is or nationwide. The other user purple rudi is the DHL customer support account. He wrote that last week was already and not this week I was wrong.
So you admit now that you lied and it wasn’t because any update was recorded and the packing stations were out of operation, right?
If you’re not able to set up your phone that works properly, you’ll have time for yourself.
You told Unfug and stole my time, that’s the problem.
I don’t understand why people do that.
Thank God you have your packages and I have my rest. Young boy talk for a theater about a Pasr
I reinstalled the app and I just went to the packing station. This time it worked. So your information was nonsense all the time.
Whether I show you the email now or not does not change anything that you don’t get your packages out of the packing station now I uploaded the image from the scanner you just have to believe I’m working at the mail.
Then why doesn’t that stand anywhere and why can’t you show me the alleged email you want to get?
So I don’t know how much I’ve written with you right now you’ll definitely get this now and not out today because it’s software updates there is accept it or read it but let me rest.
Okay, read and understand would be a beginning for you. I wrote I got the message. No speech from Mail.
But it’s okay. There are people who simply apply for the Ingo list.
Application accepted, Otto.
You said the message had come by e-mail, then just show me the email.
No disturbances are known here
And sorry, Michael941 has in profile an emoji with long nose, which stands for lies, and according to profile is unemployed.
You know what, Otto, I have no reason to be kidding you. Same as Michael. What can I do for DHL not to permanently show the message, and it eventually disappears.
You want to help and the lie is accused.
You have problems.
There’s nothing down there. The packing station can be used normally and the app works. It only appears the above message if I want to get my show.
It was about telling you that I’m working at the post office and that I don’t want to lie to you. In my post and DHL app, the message is no longer in it you should have watched on Friday. Currently, the system is more down because the IT downloads the updates to the packing station and devices of the postagent.
On the picture it can only be seen that shipments are in the packing station, not such an alleged message. Yeah, I think.
Then it’s not true. Why shouldn’t the message be displayed?
Did you see the picture I uploaded? You really think I’m fucking you?
The message is no longer available in the app.
Can you please post a screenshot of it?
You can still believe Michael941. I got the message too.
Do you think I have registered unemployed in my profile and that I am really unemployed? Boy, everything that’s standing here doesn’t have to vote. You can also read all my answers and I answered many answers to DHL.
According to your profile, you’re a liar and unemployed. Do you think the crap you’re doing here is funny?
No, I didn’t invent that I’m working at DHL as a delivery agent and I know that every few weeks this packing station will be updated and that will be available to the service on Sundays and Saturdays.
Doesn’t stand anywhere like I said. Not on the packaging station, on the website or as an email. You invented that, right?
Yeah, sure…
So I always get an email and in the Post and DHL app in the Packstation area is also a display that is maintenance work and software updates and that the Packstation are used to be restricted.
I always don’t know if it’s regional or national. In any case, your package is in now and you don’t get it out and you have to accept it. You can also break up a compartment for good luck and hope your package is in.
Do you have a screenshot of the email? Why do you get them and nobody else? I honestly think of what you’re saying here. It’s nowhere to find anything.
Huh? I ordered the stuff in time. I just can’t get the door of the immature packing station.