Problem mit Essverhalten?
Ich war als Kind (Kindergarten – ca 13 jahren) schon immer ein bisschen dicker, ich wurde auch gemobbt. Als ich dann im Alter von 11-13 in die Pupertät kam, habe ich extrem schnell ziemlich viel abgenommen, ich wurde zwar nicht dünn, aber aufjedenfall ziemlich „normal“. Das konnte ich dann auch 3-4 Jahre so behalten. Als ich aus der Schule kam habe ich gemerkt das ich das verlangen hatte zu essen, ich hatte immer ein Gefühl im Bauch von hunger, wenn ich etwas zum essen gesehen habe musste ich einfach zugreifen. Dadurch habe ich wieder zugenommen, inzwischen habe ich dann auch mit der Pille angefangen und konnte richtig zusehen wie ich wieder zunahm ( habe sie dann nach ein paar Monaten wieder abgesetzt weil es immer schlimmer wurde und ich auch Depressionen bekam) Ich habe dann angefangen jeden Mittag ein Proteinshake zu trinken und am morgen nichts zu esse… ich weiss es ist überhaupt nicht gesund, aber ich habe einfach das Gefühl wenn ich 3 Mahlzeiten esse nehme ich wieder soo zu… Das hat auch funktioniert habe wieder abgenommen obwohl ich mich dann am Abend so vollgefressen habe, es war auch sehr schwirig dazwischen nichts zu essen wegen dem Gefühl. Heute habe ich das erste mal wieder was richtiges gegessen am Mittag weil ich diesen Shake einfach nicht mehr trinken konnte und das Gefühl unaushaltbar war. ich fühle mich jetzt sehr schlecht und habe so sehr Angst das ich wieder zunehme und das dieses Gefühl nicht weggeht… und wieder kontrolle übernimmt.
Hello Nowul1552,
it is quite normal and also correct that you think about your appearance, but it can happen very easily that you fall into a kind of beauty weapon.
For many young girls, being beautiful means being equally thin. The super slim models you see on TV and on advertising posters suggest a false picture of beauty! Apart from the fact that such images have mostly been created by photoshop processing and the models are exposed to the danger of hunger death to keep their figure. Are these the people you want to take your role model?
What causes many young people to misjudge their appearance is that they have a distorted self-image. It has been found that many young girls are often referred to as obese, although this was not true of them.
But what if you are actually a bit more stable? It is usually so that the genes mostly determine which character someone has. Some are simply not designed to be thin. To prevent your weight from running out of the row, you can achieve your normal weight with a little more exercise and the right diet.
Some are trying with radical diets, but only for a short time. A better way to take off is a healthy diet plan and a sensible fitness program.
In contrast, appetite suppressants are not a real solution, as they suppress the feeling of hunger for some time, but there is a quick reconciliation and the old appetite returns. The side effects of these agents are also not without: dizziness, high blood pressure and anxiety.
There is also a good tip how to suppress hunger by taking a large glass of water before each meal. Better is that you develop reasonable eating habits and combine them with regular movement. You don’t need an elaborate fitness program to do this, but walking and climbing stairs can be enough.
In order to be balanced, the following thought may help you: There is a kind of beauty that has nothing to do with externalities and certain body features. One speaks of an inner beauty manifested by certain attractive properties. When someone develops a good heart, it will also show itself in its way of action and its qualities.
Especially attractive, you look at others when you are characterized by different good qualities. I hope you don’t blame me for bringing the Bible into play at this point. Here, the following very important qualities are mentioned: “Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, mite, self-control” ( Galatians 5:22,23).
One obtains inner beauty even when one lives according to the “golden rule” described in the Bible and which was set up by Jesus: “Everything, therefore, what you want to do to you men, should you also do to them.” (Matthew 7:12)
The more you work on your inner beauty – i.e. on your good qualities – the more attractive you will look at others and you will have a positive effect. This also has an effect on yourself and contributes to a healthy self-confidence. Then no longer stands alone Your exterior for others is no longer so important. They take you more than person was to pay attention to externalities.
Also consider that a great figure and a nice appearance alone are not a guarantee of awakening in other sympathies. For this reason, it would be very unbalanced if you only put value on a perfect appearance. However, this should not mean that the appearance does not matter at all. Everyone can care for good body care and an adrettes appearance. But it is important to be balanced in any case.
LG Philipp
You can only take two meals a day. In any case, it is healthier and helps to lose weight.
With 13 I was no longer in kindergarten
Would have been necessary