Problem mit dem Busunternehmen, das Schüler zur Schule bringt.

Zur Situation: Das gemeinte Unternehmen fährt in diesem Fall die Schüler aus 2 Gemeinden mit einem Bus zur Schule. Das Problem: Nicht nur das der Fahrer auf einer geraden ca. 3 Km langen Landstraße, noch bis kurz vor der Kurve, die ins Dorf führt mit 120 km/h fährt, auch ist der Bus hoffnungslos überfüllt. Früher gab es noch 1 Bus pro Dorf, jetzt wurde zusammengefasst, und wir werden zusammen hingebracht. Nicht dass der Bus größer geworden wäre, nein, der ist gleichklein geblieben. Meist steht man noch neben dem Busfahrer, so dass dieser kaum den Rückspiegel sehen kann, wenn überhaupt. Das heißt aber nicht dass er langsamer fährt. Problematisch ist auch das wir durch ein Waldgebiet fahren, was die Gefahr erhöht, dass Rehe über die Strasse laufen, was durchaus passiert. Die Frage: Was tun? Das Busunternehmen tut nichts, und wenn sie vom Land kontrolliert werden, fahren sie für diesen Zeitraum mit einem anderen Bus, und einem anderen Busfahrer.

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latricolore, UserMod Light

You have all the phones – so take some photos of the situation:
– Overfill
– Speed (tacho + environment)

Hide date on several days, morning and midday.

latricolore, UserMod Light

Thank you for the star!

11 years ago

– give the police a tip (racing control, vehicle control, etc.) -an adult accompanies her child once to school and then reimburses ad

11 years ago

First of all, a travel/line bus has a maximum speed of 60 km/h if people have to stand in the vehicle. If speeds are not maintained here and more people are taken along as permitted for the vehicle, there is only one possibility: spontaneous controls by the police! The exceeding of the maximum speed can also be detected subsequently on the basis of the tachograph! And the number of people can be counted…

11 years ago

I cannot imagine that the bus driver has a tachograph that he increases his speed over the permissible. This would be very bad for him in a recurring review and his work as a school bus driver.

If the bus is overcrowded, you should be at your commune or to the Higher Education Office, they are the decision-makers. The bus driver and his boss are only victims….

11 years ago
Reply to  ZweiZombies

I don’t think you understand what this is about, but don’t worry about it, it’s about growing up.

11 years ago

Well, that public transport is now crowded in winter and you have to stop, it’s not a novelty. You pay for transport, not for a seat. Looking for Tokyo? They have staff who squeeze people into the train. But at speed, I don’t think it’s okay with kids. The police should really flash, it’ll be expensive after a while…

11 years ago

Seriously, you could draw attention to the conditions together with your parents at the police.

11 years ago

Everyone!!!! ALL have to complain to the bus company if one does it does nothing all have to complain from the 2 communities!

11 years ago

In principle, the bus company and, of course, the driver must adhere to certain guidelines/laws. Buses are only allowed for a certain number of people, but if the bus driver is carrying more, much more people he is violating. Just the same goes for his way of driving which, as we have described it, is absolutely not right. All of you together and complain to the bus company. If it does not react, turn to the church. Very important Fürth book about the violations. And in such a ruthless way informs the police. … poor children.

11 years ago

Just show the bus driver when he drives too fast?! Make best a video where you can recognize this (if you film from the window)

11 years ago

You can complain.

But before the complaint, consider whether all the arguments put forward correspond to the facts:

  • A bus cannot drive 120Km/h, since it has to settle at the latest 110. So the bus can only drive 120 if it is manipulated at the speedometer, or the driver can let it roll downhill.
  • Even if someone is in the entrance area of the bus, the bus driver sees in the right exterior mirror, since the mirror is not on the right as in the car or truck, but on the right before the windshield.

So, before the complaint, check whether the unprecedented circumstances are also correct and not exaggerated or are simply stupid chatter, otherwise you can quickly get rid of yourself and question his credibility…

11 years ago

I think it’s hopeless.

11 years ago

yes, with us so, rightly, but it reports the police because if people are allowed to stand the only max. 80km/h.

11 years ago
Reply to  ZweiZombies

yes, as it is with us! and at the front of the stairs at the entrance there are also 5 people or so. in a full brake, they would fly through the disc, and half the bus after!

11 years ago

Little tip to the police to flash….