Probezeit kündigungsfrist unter diesen umständen?
in der Probezeit gibt es ja eine gesetzliche Kündigungsfrist von 2 wochen.
wenn im arbeitsvertrag 6 monate probezeit steht, und dann als extra punkt
sowas wie 4 wochen nach quartalsende steht,
gilt das dann mit den 4 wochen nach quartalsende dafür wenn die Probezeit vorbei ist oder auch in der probezeit, weil in der Probezeit würde das zeitlich ja wenig sinn machen.
wie sind da die rechte als arbeitnehmer könnte man dann mit einer 2 wochen frist kündigen ?
To do this, you need to know what exactly in the contract (possibly also in the collective agreement). If a trial period was actually agreed, but not also a period of time in force during this valid licensing period, you will have a period of 14 days in the trial period for any calendar day.
That would be quite odd. So look again into the contract and write in here what’s standing there. Please complete and accurate.
{name} is set with effect from the {date} to {date} as {occupation} at {company}, the term of office is made on the basis of the period of time and the period of grace TZBFG without reason in accordance with §14 abs 2.
And then, as the next point, this is what is happening in the quarter.
Please also specify exactly what comes after the quoted part! So everything that has something to do with the deadline.
Is the employment contract subject to a collective agreement? Is there anything about a collective agreement in the employment contract? If so, what exactly?
The deadline has nothing to do with the trial period. This will only come into play when the statutory deadline is less than 4 weeks at the end of the quarter.
But, as I said, simply with the legal deadline of 14 days to any calendar day. Even if the wording in the Treaty says something else, in the event of a dispute it is to be dismissed what is meant or must be meant. There’s nothing going to happen to you.
But there is also that the time limit is extended, that is, not the first to be extended to these 4 weeks after the end of the quarter after the trial period?
Oh, that’s right behind or under “A trial period of 6 months is agreed”?
Then, at least linguistically, this also refers to the sample time. I’m sure it’s different. I would then simply envisage the 14-day legal period and then wait to see if there is a reaction.
There is a notice period at the end of the quarter of 4 weeks, the notice period is extended according to the statutory requirements. This time limit applies to both sides
Then it looks strong after the legal deadline of 14 days to any day. But you will not be able to say it until you have set the part of the contract here that comes after the part you quoted (so everything that somehow has to do with grace periods).
No more than that
In the trial period you normally have the period of 2 weeks. After the trial period, you can only terminate at the quarter ends with a period of 4 weeks.
Thank you
How do you know the FS contract?
read the question
Well, I really can’t look bright. You seem to be. Compliment!
Unfortunately, you only look at the question and don’t think further. You’re too short-sighted.
I like to give the compliment back!
He asks what deadline he can apply in the trial period. However, we can only answer this question if we know what deadline for the trial period was agreed and whether at all.
He does not ask for the deadline in the trial period. He knows the deadline is 2 weeks. He asks what to do with the 4 weeks after the end of the quarter. Please read more questions and stop writing a bullshit!
His first sentence states that he is aware of the legal deadline. Not that it was agreed.
If it was agreed, he would not ask if it was also valid with him. Then he knew it.
First sentence! Because he didn’t mention anything else, it’s all right. Yes I know every one of your response starts with “I don’t know your contract” and I know you hide your ignorance.
No, he didn’t. He only pointed out the legal deadline, but not also wrote that it was agreed with him.
He has said that the legal regulation applies. ♪
This is not the contractual agreement.