Pro und Contra für Massen Produktion für Debatte?
Hallo! Wir haben in der Schule für die Debatte das Thema „Soll industrielle Massentierhaltung generell verboten werden?“ und wir haben schon einige Pro- und Contra-Punkte, aber es sind noch nicht genügend. Deshalb wollte ich hier fragen, ob ihr noch weitere Punkte kennt, die sich leicht merken lassen, da wir zwei Debatten gleichzeitig haben. Dankeschön!
There are arguments that are both pro and contra.
Pro: sufficient food supply. A resulting counter-effect: oversupply and thus destruction of foods and thus their lack of appreciation.
Have you ever seen a footballer of an opponent’s team being advertised during the game, for example, a banana, raising them, praying them briefly and insuring them? If there are foods that are no longer edible, they are placed outside the field after a short shock prayer.
Greeting Matti
Without concentration of production at sites where it does not bother:
otherwise every 2nd city would have some animals
These are advantages and disadvantages at the same time, because in addition to odor nuisance and noise, people had more understanding for animals.
However, monitoring of production would be more difficult.
Because nobody knows what you’ve got, we can only guess.
How about
– cost-effective
– the animals are not alone