Privatverkauf in Steuererklärung eintragen?
Guten Tag,
Ich habe eine Frage auf die ich keine Lösung finden kann.
Die Situation ist folgende:
Ich war Selbständig und die Firma wurde Mitte des Jahres abgemeldet. Danach wurden viele Betriebsgegenstände/Geräte/Materiale, die übrich geblieben sind, als Privat verkauft da die Firma nicht mehr
existierte. Nun ist die Frage wo und wie trage ich diese Einkünfte in der Steuererklärung ein die ich erhalten habe, damit alles korrekt ist?
Muss ich in diesem Fall MwSt bezahlen, wenn der Verkauf nach der Abmeldung der Firma passiert ist?
Vielen Dank im Voraus!
Viele Grüße
The FA will be really happy!
Where the goods have been sold in the context of the operating task/sales, the sale/supply profit shall be determined by the sale price (16 paragraph 3 p. 6 EStG).
Otherwise, the subsequent income acc. 24 No. 2 EStG, which you achieved through the later sale of the items and thus prompted you to operate.
References Earnings are determined by means of EÜR (I think you know or?) for the year where they were born.
This depends on whether the conditions for a sale in the whole are met. 1 paragraph 1a UStG is available (but I am not going to go big – you can also judge badly here. This should be decided by a tax consultant.
If so, then these “auxiliary revenues” as well as the sale of the business itself are not taxable.
If not, then VAT should be shown and deducted.
You have been told several times to create a balance sheet.
that is a 1-time profit to which the UST is also payable, provided that taxes have also been made.
You should create a list with non-to-low rated residual values on the basis of usual used stock exchanges. So residual book value of 1 € is bad & does not fertilize at the tax office
Or you still have invoices of the already sold devices & give this as a sum in the winning determination.
Then no advance payment should be made due to the profit from the resolution.
After that, it will be transferred to private assets.
I think it’s not possible to understand that now.
Dude, this is not just wrong, the tips are even dangerous!
Congratulations you have sold your business goods when it comes to business and this continues to be operating income and is part of your business performance balance.
Unfortunately no private sale, but company…. Or a collection that was sold privately (but comes out to the same for you)
Congratulations, you are a very accurate check of your tax return more than sure!
Task balance was created by you?
(on the basis of the questions probably NOT. and a balance sheet in the situation OHNE tax advisor can only go wrong)
There will be a final balance? The difference from the proceeds to the book value is a sale profit that must be taxed. You should be accompanied by the tax advisor