Privatleasing in meinem Fall?

Momentan bin ich auf der Suche nach einem Auto, wir bräuchten dringend eins. Bin aktuell Alleinverdiener bei einem sicheren Arbeitgeber (DB) und verdiene 3.400€ netto. 

Wir haben eine Miete von 1000€ warm, uns bleiben aktuell 800€ im Monat übrig zum sparen. 

Da wir bisher andere Zahlungsverpflichtungen hatten, die nun zum Glück fertig sind, haben wir auch kein Eigenkapital für eine Anzahlung eines Autos. Meine Frau wird in Zukunft wieder die Arbeit aufnehmen, wird aus gesundheitlichen Gründen aber erstmal klein anfangen (Minijobs Basis). 

Ich möchte ein schönes Auto fahren (weil denke mir wir leben nur einmal), aber die Autos die ich will, fangen bei 30.000€ an. Hier wäre die Finanzierung 1. zu teuer und 2. möchte ich mich nicht über so lange Zeit vertraglich binden (z.B. 5 Jahre Finanzierung + Schlussrate). 

Wir haben nun von VW ein Leasingangebot erhalten für einen Audi. Jahreswagen, 10k km Kaufpreis 35.000€ (bruttolistenpreis 55.000€). Die Leasingrate würde ohne Anzahlung 310€ kosten inkl. Leasingratenversicherung für 36 Monate. 

Wir sind uns aber sehr unsicher, weil wir nie geleast haben und ständig nur schlechtes hören.. in meinem Umfeld würde ich auch nicht unbedingt sagen, dass das Auto geleast ist, sondern finanziert. 

Was sind eure Erfahrungen damit?

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6 months ago

If you don’t have an equity, you’d rather make money aside than throw it out of the window.

After you have leased a car, the money and the car is gone, it’s indefinitely expensive and actually pure waste of money. Better buy a cheap used, save the money and then you can fulfill your dreams.

It’s never good to spend money you don’t have or then almost everything is going on and gets into financial problems when you break the washing machine.

We have once leased and never again. This is a waste of money.

in my environment I would not necessarily say that the car is leased, but financed.

Lies aren’t good, and they usually get out.

6 months ago

I don’t think so.

Leasing is renting, I only rarely like renting.

The car will cost you 10k and the deposit.

And that’s just gone.

Then you have no deposit in 3 years, no 10k and no car.

And most of the time, they still want money if you give it back because you got there and there and there damaged it.

6 months ago
Reply to  Leonp326

A car with 5-6 makes problems? My last was skewed over 8 and around the 50Tkm when I bought it, of course, was well maintained! If you keep going with maintenance, that’s a car, mine’s 23ig… it’s not gonna cost any more time! A car to the point? To show others what to afford? An expensive car as a quality of life? Well, one comes from A to B, one to normal, you at high cost! There are better projects for quality of life!

6 months ago
Reply to  Leonp326

Yeah, you need to know.

But if you finance something, it’s one.

If you pay rent, never.

My car is 15j old and had only broken the servo and the steering lock and otherwise only wear parts.

But it doesn’t mean anything to me either.

6 months ago

Leasing is worthwhile in itself only for traders or companies, as these can fully set the rates as operating expenses!

Private, you’re always making a mess! Especially since the residual value is almost always much less than initially assumed! Every little scratch is charged at €1000!

Find a private car loan at a normal bank, try mediators like Smava! Save a little, e.g., amount of the targeted rates to a daily money account, e.g., with Trade Republic, for one year then also have a fair deposit. If the car is best bought by private rather than by the dealer, will also be cheaper.

6 months ago

Yes now…., at the end of leasing, the car is gone & the money too. Mostly with repayment for every smallest scratch.
Whoever likes it should do it.

6 months ago

Leasing will not be cheaper, because the leasing contracts are regularly completely opaque, and often fool about the true conditions. I do not understand why we do not want to conclude a bank loan for over 5 years. This is the time of the car purchase.

6 months ago
Reply to  Leonp326

You got the car after 5 years? In itself it is uneconomic to buy a new car every few years! I buy used ones with less than 50tkm and drive them apart! My last is 23 years old… oil change, brakes, exhaust every few years, paid for more than 18 years! In the meantime, almost nix more and drives, drives…

6 months ago

Is it realistic that you can really buy the car later?

I honestly don’t think of Leasing. And also little of it to get things just for luxury on pump. You’re realistic about paying a rental price… if that’s okay for you, why not?

4 months ago

…as others say, leasing is uninteresting for individuals.

Better buy a vehicle and finance it.