Privater Autoverkauf, wie?
Hallo liebe Community,
ich werde bald mein Auto verkaufen. Das Fahrzeug ist angemeldet, nun wie mache ich es bei dem Verkauf?Wie werde ich den Verkauf abwickeln stets Kennzeichen, abmeldung oder unmelden? Soll ich das Auto angemeldet übergeben und den Fahrzeugschein und Kennzeichen behalten, damit ich das Auto in den nächsten Tagen abmelden kann? Habe auch etwas von der Ummeldung gehört, jedoch frage ich mich wie das geschehen soll und was passiert mit der Versicherung? Ich bedanke mich für jede hilfreiche Antwort.
Wie habt ihr euer Auto privat verkauft?
Sell only unsubscribed. Otherwise, in two weeks we read the next question, “Border doesn’t report car, what should I do?”
And do not forget to effectively exclude the warranty in the purchase agreement.
Thank you. Should the vehicle stay with me during the registration, as well as vehicle registration and license plates? And the buyer gets the vehicle letter both the TÜV report? And only after the registration he gets the car
You cancel the car and then transfer it to the buyer with all papers against cash. The way the vehicle gets out is his problem.
Jepp, I would never sell a car registered to someone.
Just heard bad stories from the acquaintance.
As long as the car is advertised and not sold, it can and should remain registered for the purpose of sampling.
Instructions for sale:
1. Car registration
The insurance is automatically informed by the authority of the cancellation.
2.Express purchase contract
2.1 Complete purchase contract with the buyer.
3. Find purchasers ( place your car zb on
4. When buying, all documents and car keys are handed over.
Purchase contracts for private sales can be found on the Internet for downloading.
And in any case, cancel the car beforehand. Don’t sign in and hope that the new owner will report it around.
Okay, thanks. That means I pass the buyer the vehicle letter, TÜV reports, more documents etc. The buyer’s paying for me, I’m keeping the car first. The seller (i.e. I) retains the license plate and vehicle certificate for the registration. After this has been done, I’ll give him the things like car keys, etc.
Why don’t you drop the car before you sell it? Then you’ve done everything. Or do you need the car to sell?
I’d still use the car for sale. You mean drop the car and get short-term signs? Or does the buyer get the short-term signs?
…if the buyer wants to rehearse you have to register the car
shopping with previous registration would be ideal. He wants the vehicle immediately
you have to download a purchase agreement on the net. It must, of course, pay cash and you must hand out all documents and keys to him.
Kfz letter/ bill + key + last TÜV report + purchase contract
You must give him a guarantee. An addition to the purchase contract,
that he will re-register your car in 3 days at the latest. Insurance
is still on you until you sign up.
In addition, you must immediately sell the admission and your reduction
I sold many cars so privately.
I printed a purchase contract at ADAC and filled it with the buyer. Enter the mileage and then call the insurance.
The buyer was at the office the next day and re-registered the car. Before he gets an insurance number. EVK number.