Privater Austausch?

Hi, ich habe vor Sommerferien 2022 zu nutzen um mein Englisch zu verbessern.
Deshalb hab ich geplant für 4-6 Wochen nach Amerika, Kanada, Süd Afrika oder wo anders meine Zeit zu verbringen…

Da ich aber erst 15/ nächstes Jahr 16 Jahre alt bin wäre ein privater Austausch (ohne Agentur) angebracht… Meine Austausch Familie sollte ca. Kinder in meinen Alter haben 🙈😅. Außerdem wäre es auch möglich einen Austauschschüler/in als ,,Gegenleistung” bei uns aufzunehmen. Aber dafür müsste sie/er grob die gleichen Hobbys haben und Tierbegeistert sein…. Jetzt nach langen reden komm ich auch zur eigentlichen Frage.

Unzwar wo kann man am besten private Kontakte schließen um so einen ,,kleinen” Austausch zu ermöglichen?

Wäre mega cool wenn ihr mir da weiter helfen könntet und ich bedanke mich schon mal im Vorraus bei euch !

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3 years ago

That’s why I planned to spend 4-6 weeks in America, Canada, South Africa or where else my time…

That’s nice, that would be a language school holiday with accommodation in a host family.
Finding the school private is certainly not a problem, but a reliable, trusted host family in Canada, USA, South Africa that I entrusted my 16-year-old daughter? Without a personal relationship? Just over the Internet?

Honestly, I would leave my fingers and ask the language school to help me choose the accommodation or book it with a provider that offers it as a package.

Then you can also clarify which visas you need and which insurance policies.

A private exchange is only recommended if you actually know the people.

That the opposite side is rather unlikely, because learning German is not as high as the wishlist, the countries you consider.

Bedenke, summer holidays are everywhere. That means pupils, avoid the school in such vacation times and you could not your guest, the German school to lead. It also remained in the case of a language school with all costs incurred.

2 years ago

Hello, my name is Lucy Garcia and I am 16 years.

I live in Guatemala City and visit the Austrian school in Guatemala (where I also learned German). I’d be happy to take you as an exchange student. I would like to make an exchange to show you my country and get to know your country at the end of the year.

If you want, we can also talk to Snapchat, my username is Lucygarcia0212.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lucygl0212

Guatemala is a very beautiful place for an exchange. I know a few people who were right there at the Austrian school.

3 years ago

Why do you think that’s private? You can also make language trips or summer school with under 18.

And you don’t usually get a visa without an agency. I don’t think that any private individuals are your sponsors, that would be too much responsibility.

I can recommend Travelworks, the Summer School program of them is available for 12-18 year olds. For the USA:

3 years ago
Reply to  Loveyourlife78

It usually does an organization, not a school. But as I said, without organization you usually get garkein visa.

I personally recommend you always go with an organization just because you have a contact(person) you can contact if something is going on.

3 years ago

Oh, you again. Funny – you compare apples with pears.

In addition, I also have direct contacts at the airline, hotel, etc. – namely the companies directly! I don’t have to wait for my money or anything by third parties like the travel agency! Something to think about, but you have often proved that you are very close and only travel agencies that are only true for you. While airlines, etc. in most countries have contact persons before location, the travel agency usually remains in Germany. And that’s the big minus point. You’re obviously not aware of the fact that you’re doing really bad “advertising” for your industry.

3 years ago

I personally recommend you always go with an organization just because you have a contact(person) you can contact if something is going on.

Funny. This is one of the reasons why many people book their holiday trips via travel agencies. These travel agencies are, however, in your opinion, as you have often expressed enough, all criminals… comment image

3 years ago


at your age, you don’t need to make a private trip, but you can also book it via an agency.

I have had very good experiences with the EF and they also offer a lot of trips from 14.

In the Usa, Canada and Cape Town.

In this case, your family doesn’t have to take another student. You go to an EF language school and choose whether you live in a host family or in one of the residences.

Especially in the USA, EF offers a lot of courses, so I’m sure there’s something for you.

I hope I could help you. For further questions, please write to me:)

3 years ago
Reply to  Loveyourlife78

I would definitely wish you mega much fun!!!