Private Vermietung von 2 Ferienwohnungen auch möglich mit einer Festangestellten?
Hallo, ich habe seit längerem 2 Ferienwohnung welche ich privat (nicht gewerblich vermiete). Auch eine Haushaltshilfe/ Hausmeisterin habe ich als Minijoblerin schon länger angestellt. Allerdings haben wir noch sehr viele Tätigkeiten selber übernommen, da die 450 Euro nicht für alle Tätigkeiten zur Bewirtschaftung ausgereicht haben. Nun würden wir gerne die Stunden und Gehalt etwas erhöhen, so dass wir in einen Midijob Verhältnis übergehen.
Kommt es dabei eventuell zu steuerlichen Nachteilen? Wie zum Beispiel eine zwingende Gewerbeansiedlung und damit verbundene Gewerbesteuern?
Vielen Dank im Voraus für eine Antwort!
could become critical in individual cases.
When renting an apartment is lt. Financial management is given a business where all of the following conditions exist:
A commercial enterprise is also to be assumed if there is a hotel use of the apartment or the rental takes place in the manner of a foreign pension. It is decisive whether, because of the frequency of the change of guests or in terms of services provided in addition to the transfer of use, e.g. provision of laundry and furniture, cleaning of the rooms, taking over social care, an organization of the enterprise is necessary, as is also required in foreign pensions (> BFH from 28.6.1984 – BStBl 1985 II p. 211).
but it doesn’t matter if you have these services or someone is hired for it, but if you do it yourself, it doesn’t matter. More staff, especially if you have to give pay tax notices, could lead to questions.
If there suddenly becomes a business out there, it has some disadvantages. Thus, the apartment becomes operational, so can not be sold tax-free after 10 years.
So it’s best to explain with a tax advisor.
Since the apartments are not rented for permanent housing, this is already a trade and nothing private!
You should have seen it as a business.
The definition of a trade does not include “Hat Employees”
That’s it.
Not that. But in the case of the definition of asset management/commercial business, it is important whether in addition to the pure transfer of the apartment further services are provided which go towards the hotel/aliens board. And there staff can be a clear indication