prio zustellung?
bei mir steht das voraussichtlich heute der brief prio zugestellt wird
post war da aber nicht der brief
normal kommt jz erst dhl aber irgendwie kommt da niemand
wird nach Zustellung automatisch „zugestellt“?!
kommt dhl mal nicht?
in meiner Straße wohnen 4 leute
A Prio letter is preferably treated. That doesn’t mean it’s coming faster than normal letters.
If he wasn’t there today, he’ll come tomorrow. A letter is about 2 days on the way to calculate the day of delivery. So today would mean he’s coming on Friday.
Of course, there can always be delays.
In any case, the letter is delivered via the mailing agent.
And if, for whatever reason, he could not be delivered today, for example, because he was misdirected somewhere, then the letter is not automatically recorded as delivered. For he must then be scanned by the assignee as “unguided”. Then the status remains in delivery
If the deliverer does not scan the letter, the status would automatically be delivered at the end of the day.
Prio letters are not scanned.
In case of non-feeding or misdirecting MUST be scanned
So I’ve had that with Prio’s letter. On the day I was sent, the status was “Sendung wir im Receiverzentrum” and will arrive at “24”. On the same evening, the message changed and there stood in the status then SEndung was assigned. But Poskkasten was of course empty. Today, the status report has changed again and now stands that the prestige broadcast will arrive today on 25th.
Around 18 o’clock again, the status has changed again the shipment was delivered on 25th, but the mailbox is empty! I was looking several times. And tomorrow is also Sunday and I can wait longer. Were really important BIlders in the letter…Have you an iDee people…
Prio letters are delivered with the letter delivery.
So your letter is coming early in the morning.
He’ll come tomorrow.