Prio Brief kam nie an?

Hallo meine Mutter hat mir etwas in einem prio Brief zugesendet und da steht, dass er bereits am 11.7 angekommen ist. Ist er nicht. Ich hab dann eine Nachforschung eingeleitet aber da kommt nichts mehr. Was kann ich noch tun?

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8 months ago

The letter is sent automatically in the evening after the morning where the mail was processed in the destination letter center. After that, the letter may have been lost.

Unfortunately, you can’t do more than the research job, the shipment is not insured.

8 months ago

What else can I do?

Nix more. Unfortunately, a Prio letter is already received in the target letter center, it is not insured, has submitted research assignment.
Now you can only wait.

8 months ago

Maybe call at the post office

8 months ago

the assigne notices when throwing a prio letter into the mailbox the “representation”, that is probably the weak point when he throws in the elsewhere or otherwise made his job sluggish.

Unfortunately, you can never prove that. it is also dangerous to send noticeable content (which suggests a high value) so, there is no insurance.

8 months ago
Reply to  fanclub75

the assigne notices the “supply” when a prio letter is thrown into the mailbox

No, he doesn’t. A Prio letter already gets the assigned status in the target letter center.