Prints wo ausdrucken?
Ich habe ein kleines online und Grafikdesign Unternehmen und möchte meine Posterdesigns verkaufen.
Ich habe mir bereits größere Druckereien und Werbeunternehmen rausgesucht, die ich kontaktieren könnte, jedoch wäre mir ein simpler copyshop lieber.
Habt ihr Empfehlungen oder Erfahrung, wo man so etwas am besten drucken sollte? Oder weiß jemand wie qualitativ hochwertig die Copyshop-Angebote von dm sind?
If you’re a small company, I would look for posters in the area to Copy Shops. But if it comes to more professional printing, where even promotional articles come into play, I would recommend you You can register as a reseller and get really good conditions, and he print is also good;)
Great, thank you. I’ve heard a lot of positive about the website, which sounds like a good plan.
If you have doubts with certain articles, you can buy a box relatively cheaply, there are many different products with a sample print in it. You can make sure to go to number later
Mega! Thank you.
I would go to the Copyshop, so you will also advise
Thank you for the advice! Do you have any experience with the copyshops in the dm?
Not for commercial use