Praktische Prüfung um 15 Uhr?

Hallo, ich hab die Zeit für meine praktische Prüfung erfahren und wollte euch mal fragen, wie ihr die Zeit findet. Ich habe ehrlich gesagt mega Angst davor, weil ich die Prüfung in der Stadt mache. Um die Zeit ist wahrscheinlich mega viel Verkehr, Fahrräder, Kinder, viele Menschen. Was sagt ihr dazu. Hab echt Panik

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2 years ago

Had my car driving exam also in the evening traffic, that had the advantage that you were standing more than driving.

The motorcycle test was in the rain on Friday morning, which was a fucking big round, where much could have gone wrong

2 years ago

At any time you can find reasons for a lot of traffic, 3 p.m. is perfectly fine. 7-8:30 and 16:30-18:30 would be professional and even worse

2 years ago

If you’re driving yourself at some point, you can’t say I don’t want to drive there. So take it.

2 years ago

The time is good, it’s not a rush hour yet.

Traffic is always, you had in the driving hours 🙂

you’ve got it, the driving instructor wouldn’t have signed you.

a lot of success

2 years ago

Then you just start a little earlier or where was the problem or the question? You just do it as it is done by all people to find out that it doesn’t work without reason.

2 years ago

Good luck, you can do this! I’ll find the time.

2 years ago

If you’re afraid of “reality” now, you won’t be in this for long…

You shouldn’t get the driver’s license, but show that you can drive without errors under stress.

2 years ago

then you’re not ready for the exam if you’re afraid of something more traffic.

only on Friday the rush hour begins significantly earlier, in the week at 15 o’clock still little to feel.

2 years ago

It shouldn’t be a problem. See it as a fire baptism.
and you will certainly have had one or another driving hour in professional traffic…

2 years ago

If you drive car later, you’ll have a lot of traffic around you. For this, you learn it and have to complete the exam.

On an empty road from A to B gurken there is no driving test. Good luck.