Praktische Prüfung?

Hallo leute ich habe am 07.06 meine praktische Prüfung welche Tipps könnt ihr mir geben die hilfreich sein könnten

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1 year ago


the Main is that you don’t go crazy.
Feel it simple as a normal Driving lesson and don’t despair if you make a little mistake.

Look that you can answer the questions about technology (you don’t get right through if you can’t, but this is a point that can’t make you trouble).
There are also countless YouTube videos – or you just ask your instructor.

Also talk to your instructor if you continue to worry, he can answer specific questions and calm down.

Perhaps there is also the possibility for you to simulate an exam with your instructor, so everything is done as in the right exam, except that you do not have to pay the test fee and that is not a tester.

If you have further, if necessary specific questions, please contact us.


1 year ago

If you should fall through, then do not take this too seriously, because the diarrhea rate is 35%.