Praktikum bei der Bank – Kleidung?

Hello,ich habe später ein 20 Minütiges Vorstellungsgespräch bei der Bank bezüglich eines Schülerpraktikums aber weiß nicht was ich anziehen soll.Könnt ihr mir Tipps geben.Dankee

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2 months ago

A decent pants, a blouse or a decent sweater. No jeans with holes. Clean shoes (not necessarily sneakers) mobile!!!!! And always nice request and thank you, kindly smile. Good luck.

2 months ago

For an interview with a bank, it is important to leave a professional and well-maintained impression. Even if it is a pupil’s internship, clothes should be reputable.

Recommended clothing:

Men: A shirt (small in a neutral color such as white, blue or light grey) and a simple, dark pants (e.g. chino or suit pants). A Sakko is not absolutely necessary, but if you have one, you can wear it. Finally a few clean, black or brown shoes.

Women: A blouse or a simple shirt in a neutral color, combined with a trousers or a skirt. Simple, closed shoes are also important here. A blazer or a lightweight jacket is optional, but a plus point for the serious impression.

Make sure the clothes look clean and tidy. Avoid striking colors or patterns and care for a well-maintained hairstyle.