Praktikum absolvieren im KH 9.Klasse?

Hallo Leute,

ich muss für 3 Wochen ein Praktikum machen {Schulpraktikum} und interessiere mich für die Medizin.
Ich würde dies auch im Krankenhaus tuen und ja die nehmen an die Krankenhäuser bei mir in der Nähe. Nun habe ich angst , dass ich auf der Station oder so nur putzen muss und ausgenutzt werde :/

Ich will Essen verteilen, Patienten ins OP-Saal bringen oder Blutdurck messen. Und nicht putzen aber muss ich natürlich mit Müll rausbringen rechne ich schon aber doch nicht immer oder ?

Naja auf Jeden Fall könnt ihr mir ein Station empfehlen wie Kardiologie / Orthopädie/ Unfallchirurgie. Oder was auf mich zukommen wird.

Welche Stellen würdet ihr mir noch empfehlen außer Medizin kann auch Handwerklich sein.

Danke ihr lieben im Voraus für die Antworten.

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7 months ago

You are neither trained nor insured. And you have to do with people. It’s just a difference whether a cook lets you go on an onion, a carpenter on a piece of wood or a caregiver on a patient…

I would ask at your place at school in the higher vintages who was allowed to do what, but you should look at and accompany yourself rather than “make up”.

If you are interested in medicine and craftsmanship, these professions may be considered:

hearing acoustics, opticians, dental technology, prosthesis construction, orthopedic shoemakers…

Or maybe other medical professions like medical gymnastics, ergotherapy, logopedia.

7 months ago


I only refer to the questions with the KH practice 🙂

Unlike the Other Responsor, I find that you should definitely inquire. I am still a student and know some fellow students from my year, who have completed their compulsory internship, for example in a rehabilitation clinic or in “normal” hospitals. Please ask if you really want it or you are interested! Call the best, but of course you can also write an e-mail and, of course, ask what you might expect and what your tasks can be.

Of course, as with each internship, you should not expect a lot (especially in areas that have a lot of experience like e.g. some craftsmen, medical professions, state activities such as justice, etc.) — however, I am sure that you may distribute food or possibly. may also measure blood pressure or assist as H&B (Hol&Bringe service). Surely it will be exciting and you can learn a lot. You will also have a lot to do with nurses and doctors.

To the areas (cardiology etc.): Ask how it is handled if you want. I can imagine that you are going through different areas and some (possibly intensive care) are excluded. However, if you are interested in rehabilitation, for example, do not apply to a rehabilitation clinic.

By the way: If you feel that you are being exploited or that the tasks do not correspond to the planning or they are too stressless or challenging, you should or need to contact your school. Use is not okay and you usually have to appear there after consultation with your school manager.

Conclusion: Simply call / contact, ask and apply all questions.

Hope I could help you.

Note: How do I know: studies/training as I am still at school and even undergo internships.