Praktica LTL schnellspannhebel spannt nicht, warum?

Hallo zusammen,

Ich hab von meinen Großeltern eine Praktica LTL Geschenk bekommen. Ich hab mal alle möglichen knöpfe und so ausprobiert etc.

Anfangs hat der Spannhebel funktioniert, auch ohne Film. Jetzt aber kann ich ihn nur zur hälfte spannen und es scheint eine Blockade zu sein.
Ist das normal?

Die Batterie hat keinen Saft mehr. (zumal des noch die alten sind und mein Opa hat sie nicht mehr ausgetauscht …)

Ich hab wenig Ahnung von den Sachen, das ist meine erste Analogkamera.

Schon mal vielen Dank im Voraus

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2 years ago

The battery has no juice anymore.

It doesn’t matter for film transport. This is a button cell for the type 625 exposure measurement.

2 years ago
Reply to  Johnberry

Defect, e.g. due to violent overload of the clamping lever.

2 years ago
Reply to  Pudelskern666

No, there was a PX625 inside. The 625 U etc. has 1.5V, but the original is 1.35V. There’s something else on the exposure meter.
Since there are no mercury batteries (the PX625 was so one), you have to look around for an alternative that you find in the “wine cell”


2 years ago
Reply to  ghost40

From “625 U” I wrote nothing.

2 years ago

Yes, there is, but 1.5V and the original PX625 only has 1.35.

Believe me, I have described the problem myself in an old two-eyed camera and from this subject I know the Weincell.

Edit: how I see you edited your comment, just there was the PX625A and so what 😉

2 years ago

Take her to a workshop. It would be a shame for the part. I’ve got an old MTL 5B here, too, and it works perfectly.

2 years ago

Find the right battery here

With the alternatively offered 625 U, the exposure meter clearly does not work properly

2 years ago

Film in the camera? Then it’s probably over. Press the rewind button and try to clamp the shutter again.