Ppositive Effekte durch Alkoholverzicht?
Ich habe beschlossen mit dem Alkohol aufzuhören weil er mir mehr nimmt als gibt. Gibt es hier Leute die auch aufgehört haben obwohl sie zumindest nicht körperlich abhängig sind? Und welche positiven Effekte hattet ihr?
For 4 months. I’ve been super fit. 10 kilos down. More quality of life. Right in the morning. Less Lingumelt 🥴. One is more reflected, more conscious. And lots of money saved and mariendistel. No more assi disputes
I have no experience, but alcohol is a poison that attacks your nerve cells.
If you stop doing this, you listen to poisoning.
No longer so tired, better skin, more physically fit, i.e., during sports training effects came again.
And a few kilos.
Since alcohol is a pure cell poison internal, every renunciation is healthier.
It can’t kill your synapses, and it doesn’t seem compelling.
Liver is also attacked in continuous consumption