Powerline oder Repeater?
Ich hätte da mal eine Frage. Ich habe heute meine neue Dsl Leitung mit einer Geschwindigkeit von 250 mbits im Download und 40 im Upload geschaltet bekommen. Daraufhin habe ich mich an den Pc gesetzt und einen Speedtest gemacht. Da habe ich gesehen das nur ca. 50 mbits an ihm ankommen. Das liegt wahrscheinlich an meinem Uralten Powerline Adapter von Tp link ohne Gigabit Lan. Jetzt weiß ich nicht ob ich mir einen Fritz Repeater holen soll und dann von ihm aus ein Lan Kabel zu meinem Pc verlegen soll, und wenn ja welchen oder ob ich lieber eine Powerline Verbindung mit neueren Geräten aufbauen soll. Ich habe eine Fritz Box 7530 ax und mein Pc ist ca. 5 m und eine Tür von dem Router entfernt.
Vielen Dank schonmal im Voraus.
you have already received great Antworetn here. I also recommend a fixed wiring via LAN. This is always the best variant and just at the distance you described to the router.
Here is a list of very good data transfer, to leave the fingers of it.
Your 5 m is a joke, though. Go to the bottom
1 Lan cable
is not beaten, Even the cheapest barbars have 2 grooves for cable guidance. There are now flat ones that fit into the door.
But not all door frames are massively foamed. If a page goes out there.
Or horizontally along the ceiling.
2 Accesspoint
can also be an old router, a repeater, which must then be set up. They’ll get the signal over a Lan cable and then give Wlan out. A solution for floors.
3 mesh
If trouble-free repeaters that are connected in series can then also bridge several floors
4 Dlan.
Your Dlan set must have the right values, but always remember the power cables are not intended to transport data.
5 repeaters.
A cable from the repeater to the terminal is sense-free.
Since normal, even the simplest speedports of Deutsche Telekom (mean came from the A&V 20€) make very good Wlan, most of them is pointless money. So I come from our router in the middle of the house over the terrace and with not so great quality to our garden block house that stands 15m away from the house.
The SSID is visible at 30 m.
Repeaters are often referred to as Wlan amplifiers in sale. That makes KD have little idea of matter, of course. You can’t strengthen the Wlan. German routers send full Wlan strength. Repeaters set up a new Wlan network. But what is problematic with simple repeaters.
You must
That would be 6m at my speedport.
You got an apartment. Then come from the neighbors around Wlan and then the repeater comes to it. There is less Wlan strength than without repeater.
Further sources of interference for the Wlan.
Powerline can work well, but in some homes it has its wigs. With me it just works so well, with many other customers I had no problems at all.
If you live in a multi-family house where you have many other WLANs, then they can interfere with each other, and there would be the LAN bridge or the repeater no optimal choice. Just take your smartphone and read the FRITZ!App WLAN app, you can measure the quality and data transfer rate at the place where your repeater would come.
Since you have a Fritzbox as a router, I would definitely recommend buying a Fritz product as a Powerline or Repeater, which are more expensive, harmonize but wonderful.
I added the results above in the post.
so if you want to have full power without latency down to the router do not pass by nem LAN cable
nen Repeater can spark, depends on the structural conditions
Powerline can also spark, depends on the circumstances of the power plant
You have to try everything, except the classic cable, which is always reliable on 100m
The problem is that I don’t have a way to transfer a Lan cable here.
then you have to live with the alternatives and try them, which work best in your physical existence
from Cat5e have applied to the first 100m IMMER 1Gb and also max 1ms latency
can of course be that it is genuinely cheaply processed and then the shielding or there is too much high-current irradiation pure, which then has a negative effect when there is a lack of scriming.
@MichaelSAL74 there are also differences in the Lan cable? Have connected my Pc directly to the test via lan cable and get only about 200 mbits in the download and arrive in the Fritz Box from the Dsl line 280.
If it must be wlan, get a reasonable WLAN adapter for the PC with an external antenna that you can put on the table. This should work when removing and correct WLAN configuration in the router. A repeater is there unfuge and can even cause additional disturbances when it is too close to the router.
At the distance, however, you can really put a cable, you have to drill a hole through the wall, no one can forbid you.
There are also flat Lankabels, which can also be placed well under floor strips and door sills.
If you sit 5m next to the router, do the favor and pull a cable.
Powerline is Murx, very disturbing, WLan is also only limited great.
What will be more powerful in your local Neztwerk can no one judge without measuring.
BTW: LAN speeds cannot be detected with an Internet(!) speed test.
If you go over WLan you can do without the cable. You can’t say what’s technically better without testing it.
My pc has no wlan. Therefore, if there is a repeater, I would need a Lan connection to this. Had a Fritz Wlan stick on the pc. However, this did not run so optimally.
Then in the case I would buy a PCI WLAN card instead of a repeater, is cheaper.
Powerline or Repeater are both just Bad Solutions!
The best solution is to install LAN cables, only so you get 100% of the performance.
That’s right. However, I live in an apartment and therefore cannot place a Lan cable here without it bothering.
It can be that you can’t do that, so there are professionals who can do that so that it doesn’t bother.