Powerchains oder normale?

Hi, ich habe eine feste zahnspange und in 2 Wochen wieder einen Termin. Letztes Mal hat mein kieferorthopäde gesagt ich könnte mir beim nächsten Termin aussuchen ob ich powerchains bekomme möchte oder bei den normalen einzelnen gummis bleiben soll. Was würdet ihr nehmen?

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2 years ago

Hello 4real3,

What is there to choose? Normal alastics hold the bracket on the bow and with powerchains the teeth are moved along the bow, so usually gaps are closed.

I’m sure you got something wrong. Your jaw orthodontic is sure what he is doing next and in this case there is nothing but nothing to discuss with the patient. You may choose the color 😉

Good luck!


2 years ago
Reply to  4real3

Usually the teeth are leveled first and then moved along the arc. When the right time is, the orthodontic orthodontic is best. Why the patient starts a discussion or I’m sick of a choice. I’m curious if he remembers the offer at the next appointment.

It is ultimately about completing the treatment as quickly as possible – we are not with “I wish something”.