Postbote klingelt nicht?
Heute ist das 4 mal das ich mein Paket in einer Post Filiale 30 min entfernt von mit abholen muss.
Der Postbote klingelt einfach nie und langsam wird es mir peinlich jeden 2 Tag ein Paket abholen zu müssen.
Ist das bei euch auch so und was sollte ich tun?
Simply glue a note to the bell and/or the letter box.
“Bin at home” Please ring!
If he rings, thank you and explain to him that he should always ring.
If he does not ring, it may be that he is such a lazy type that simply brings the packages to the parcel shop instead of putting them on. Here a complaint helps the company (best call AND email)
Success 🙂
If you are full-year, register with DHL and register for the Packstation
Or send your packages to a closer DHL branch. Of course it only works with DHL.
Maybe you should check if your blade works properly.
I also had neighbors, who then said to me: “Why didn’t you just ring with us” and at the end they had simply turned the bell on mute.
there’s something lazy… either the bell doesn’t go (right) or it’s the postman who’s lazy because you’re in the 5th. He just doesn’t ring and claims nobody would have opened it.
Lg, Anna
Sign up for the use of the packaging station.
book a location and if not complain to the German post hotline