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1 year ago

You’re not a target package center, are you?

I think the destination package center is the place where the package is loaded into the delivery vehicle.

1 year ago
Reply to  MyNameIsMike

Yeah, they’re almost “war words.” Target package center, target people, target groups….

1 year ago

I started researching in 2007 and fell out of all the clouds. Sometimes I haven’t done anything other than working and researching for weeks.

For example:

Putsch in Iran – CIA secret operation

And last week, the corresponding CIA document found:

Or take it Kubark-Manual.

And the NSA document:

Or look at the list here:

United States participation in government changes abroad

Ukraine is in the penultimate position.

A few of them are worked up in this documentary:

Economic Hit Man – Doku

CIA – well-known operations

And a book that everyone should have emptied:

The only world power – America’s strategy of domination

For example, as the United States imagines, Ukraine, Belarus and Russia are under American auspices and that one must “particularly influence the Germans” with regard to Ukraine and Russia. 😂

It’s really laughing if it wasn’t so serious.

Did you know that the Pentagon has acted on the US Congress so that Ukraine will be financially supported by Nazis and that at a time when they fought war against the “Separatists” in Donbas?

How long has the CIA’s cooperation with Ukraine been going on?

Cold War Allies: The Origins of CIA’s Relationship with Ukrainian Nationalists

translated with Google:

Allies of the Cold War: The Origins of the Relationship of the CIA to Ukrainian Nationalists

And when I write such things in response, I spread “Russian propaganda” and I am “anti-American”, only the American “Aussenpolitik” goes against the line.

1 year ago

Yeah, that needs fucking strong nerves!

1 year ago

Yes, one lives mostly in a mental bladder that only revolves around personal concerns. Then again I’m glad I don’t know everything. I’m trying to do what’s right and is good.

1 year ago

15 years ago or so there were many videos where people said they were a “targeted person”. They would have been planted, for example, with an operating system as something like a transmitter/receiver, which is supposed to influence the thoughts or they would be, as a test rabbit, constantly victims of targeted or directed sounding.

Sonic Weapons

uploaded 12 years ago.

LRAD – Long Range Acoustic Hailing Devices

uploaded 2012

You can read the transcript below. Here is a short piece translated:

with the acoustic device systems with a wide range were able to project voice messages and alarm sounds over distances up to two miles

Sound weapon


There were many victims MKULTRA programme.

1 year ago

The main thing is that you are not a target 😇.

1 year ago

No, not yet. From there it will be transported to your hometown. If you have received this message today, you will receive your package tomorrow or the day after, depending on when it arrives in the “Objective Package Center”.

1 year ago


The consignor gives up the package at DHL.
They transport it to the next larger envelope (the start package centre).
From there, you can use several intermediate stations to reach the next larger envelope in your area (the destination package center).

For example, the destination package center is 70 km from my residence.

From there, the package goes to the delivery center, for example, in your place of residence, and then to the delivery.

Only when “loaded into the delivery vehicle” or “in delivery” is in the tracking of the shipment you have a very high chance that the package will be delivered on the same day.

1 year ago

Not yet.

Then it’s in the parcel center first. From there it is loaded into the car and then delivered.