Post kommt nicht mehr jeden tag?

Seit einiger Zeit kommt die post bei mir nichtmehr Freitags, samstags, montags. Das heißt, sie kommt nurnoch dienstag, mittwoch und donnerstag. Und so kommt es dann dass einige Briefe innerhalb deutschlands über 1 Woche dauern.

Was ist denn da los bei dhl in letzter Zeit? Dachte es war nur die Weihnachtszeit..

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2 years ago

With us this has long been the case. There is no more in my region for 3 years.

The DHL man must also carry out the mail. Since I have the DHL Tracking app where the letters in it are with me it takes approx. 3 working days until what is there.

But I don’t care about it.

2 years ago

That’s the way. Has been in trouble with the health insurance company because I only reported back late

2 years ago


Unfortunately, we still have the problem of a high level of health. The posts really give everything. It’s not up to the pros.

Kind regards.

2 years ago

I have the problem too.
A letter even went back to the sender.

And at the post office it was just… here they are completely wrong.
Ask her postman.

2 years ago
Reply to  jule2204

If you mean “post” the post office somewhere in EInzelhandel, you were totally wrong. They don’t have anything to do with the pros.

The post offices are pure agencies that sell against a small commission stamps and accept packages etc. They do not do more (can not do them and should not).

The service is completely different