Positive pregnancy test ovulation +7?

Hey, I did a pregnancy test yesterday at noon and today at noon, and they showed clearly positive, including color (I'm attaching a picture from today's test). However, according to the ovulation test, I didn't ovulate until March 8th and 9th (unchanged, bright red second line on the ovulation test, but a significant drop from March 10th). I did another test this morning, but it didn't show a clearly visible line. This afternoon, however, it was positive again.

Now, of course, I'm a little confused. Could the two positive tests be false? Could I even have such a clearly positive test now?

I hope you can help me, or at least reassure me a little. We've been wanting a child for a while.

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1 year ago

where do you see something positive? There must be two lines, right? I don’t see a second, how does the other test look?

Buy a clever test, for example:

They don’t cost the world, but they are clearly legible.

1 year ago

This is not a second line for me, only the shimmering control line. So early, a test would not be able to attack. It would be a week after fertilization.

Early tests should be done with morning urine.

Be patient again and wait a few more days and repeat

1 year ago
Reply to  SophiaBot

Ne, the blurred in the color is then also from the evaporation line, can also mean invalid test. I don’t see a clear line per se (maybe before the photo recording was, however, so)

So or so: So fast a home test is not meaningful