Hey ihr lieben habe eben ein Schwangerschafts frühtest gemacht , bin jetzt ein Tag über meiner Periode (sie kommt unregelmäßig) und mein Test zeigt das an:
Also wenn man das Teil in der Hand hat sieht man die blaue Linie wie sie oben beginnt, unten ist aber keine Linie. Also sie hört auf in der Mitte. Erkennt man auf den Bildern net so. Aber was heißt das? Kann ich mich freuen? Bin ich schwanger?
Take a test. Digital would be better, then you don’t have to guess lines.
When I was overcrowded, I tested about 3 days later and the line was immediately very thick.
If you are pregnant, the line is clearly visible. Just when you’re over with your period.
Plus minus I’m over it but as I’ve written, I get my period irregular. And my sister also had a weak line in the early ss
I don’t see a line and can’t speculate.
Yes on the picture you can see it really badly did not get a better one, but when nh line starts and in the middle you stop in the middle you are pregnant?
Ask question again doesn’t bring anything. Take another test.
Then it’s unclear, just make another test.
Did your parents not give you any respect?
What for half I asked a new question where is the new test half? Buy a glasses
How bad?
We can’t look bright. A minimum/half line is NOT meaningful.
Boy I just ask when a second bright line is there, whether it’s pregnant that I’m going to the female doctor you don’t have to tell me, but the appointment is only in 3 weeks my fresco
Uncertain? Then go to your doctor.
Did another test this morning, even slightly positive? Pregnant?